Woven, Never Wasted

Woven, Never Wasted

A common piece you might find in a Finnish home is a “räsymatto”, or “rag rug”. They take on a striped pattern as they are, essentially, handwoven assorted fabrics.

There are modern versions of these rugs and they can be as neutrally coloured or bright and colourful as you’d like. But, originally, these räsymattos were created from old clothing or linens that were no longer able to be used in the home. Rather than throwing them away or having an abnormally massive collection of rags, they would be cut into strips and woven into beautiful rugs!

Not only are they sustainable and a fun way to repurpose old clothes/fabrics, they also beautify and add warmth to homes in the northern country.

This week Siang Yang spoke to us about the ways that we are “kept by God”. And as he encouraged us from 1 Peter 5:8-14, I was reminded that regardless of how disposable certain experiences or challenges in life can seem, God is working and re-working all things to be redeemed!

In fact, Jesus has already made a way to his Father and for all of us to know eternal, everlasting life.

“You are kept by God’s power, God’s grace, God’s goodness.

And he gives you peace

And He who called you to eternal life in Christ, he will keep you until the end.

It is the perseverance of God with and for the saints…

not the perseverance of the saints by their own self-effort.”

No matter how old or useless certain parts of our stories can seem to us, God has a way of creating beautiful masterpieces from our hurts and brokenness!

When we remember that we are kept by God, even the ugly parts can be held in the goodness, grace and power of God.