Starting Strong vs. Starting Slow?

Starting Strong vs. Starting Slow?

In a time where loads of people are making resolutions for themselves for the new year, I’ve been finding that it’s really life-giving to… not.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made plenty of resolutions in the past and have even managed to accomplish some of those goals over the years. I also have absolutely nothing wrong with people using the calendar new year to boost their journey of growth and self-improvement!!

But this year, especially, I’m sensing a different focus for me.

As most of you likely know by now, at Lifespring we like to encourage the Church Family to fast for the month of January. There’s something really sweet about being able to start off another new year setting aside some of the comforts and/or go-to-habits and intentionally seeking God to meet us in those places of lack instead.

And so rather than making lists and lists of things that I’d like to do differently or better habits I’d like to kickstart in January, I’ve been finding a lot of peace in simply slowing things down to listen and to be still.

In December I had heard a friend of mine share that rather than ending the year strong, she wanted to end the year slow. Isn’t that beautiful? She was challenging herself to fight the compulsion to finish off all sorts of tasks she had dreamt of finishing in 2023 and to begin slowing things down, taking on a posture of reflection rather than panic.

She set aside her desire to be impressive and decided to be honest with herself instead.

The example that we see in the way Jesus lived his life is a lot like that too. He wasn’t nearly as concerned about what the Religious Leaders thought about what he was doing and Jesus chose to turn his attention to the things God highlighted for him.

In John 5 Jesus decides to heal a man who had been unable to walk for thirty-eight years! Later when the Jewish leaders approach him in anger because of when he had healed him (on the Sabbath), this was part of the response Jesus gave them:

“Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.  For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed.” (John 5:19-20)

Jesus had such a close relationship with His Father that his priorities and the way he spent his time reflected the heart of God. He could have spent his time trying to please everyone around him and woo the Pharisees over to understanding him.

Because, let’s be real. Haters gonna hate, aren’t they?! And rather than spending his time attempting to impress those who were clearly not ready to receive the gift of his presence, he slowed himself down to see the people along the margins who were desperate to be seen.

I’ve been surprised to notice that as I’ve prayed about what God has for me in 2024, I haven’t been given new and brilliant words for a bright and shiny new year… Instead, I’ve been receiving what seems to be more of a continuation of what has already begun. (Appropriate for a year focused on Patient Endurance, eh? :P)

And so, rather than beginning 2024 strong and driven to succeed, I’m choosing to slow things down even more. I’m choosing to be honest with myself and to reflect on where I am. And as I’m choosing to slow things down and consider where I’m truly beginning this new year, I’m realizing the value of reconnecting more with God and less with my tv shows. Only one of those sources will reveal to me what my true priorities need to be for this year, and for this month, and for each moment.


I thank you so much for the ways you share your heart with your children.
I thank you for making yourself known to us through your son, Jesus, and
that you continue to reveal more of yourself to us by your Spirit!

May we be willing to slow things down and to quiet our own ideas of what
we need to do so that we can listen for your voice.

May we brave enough to follow your prompting, Holy Spirit, regardless
of how different or unexpected your words are.

We love you so much, Lord, and we give thanks for another year of discovering
more of your faithfulness and kindness to us.
