Hope In Times Of Suffering

Hope In Times Of Suffering

Dear LifeSpring Family,

Yesterday, we had the privilege of hearing Pastor Suwit from Mahapawn Rangsit Church in Bangkok.

One thing stood out in my mind was hearing Pastor Suwit reminding me that we can use time to get more money, i.e. work harder, but we cannot use money to get more time, i.e. live longer. Almost immediately, it reminded me of a multi-billionaire in the I.T industry who could not use his billions to “buy” more time from the dreaded disease we call cancer. It made me think on how I am investing and tithing the money under my stewardship. 

Pastor Suwit reminded me that for me to have hope in times of suffering, I must address the following issues:

  1. The limitation of time in life. 
  2. Live a life that is loved and memorable. 
  3. The importance of eternal hope. 

We are a people of hope and our hope is in the eternal God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who left us with the power of the Holy Spirit to remain hopeful in times of suffering. 

Put your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ and His saving grace for you. 

Grace upon grace.
