Fathers Pray

On Sunday, we were blessed to receive a Father’s and Mother’s Day message from Siang-Yang. I guess we can skip Mother’s day next year and send out the link to Sunday’s message instead. I’m just kidding…sort of. (Gabe, if you’re reading this, think about it).

One thing the Lord was speaking to me about on Sunday came from Joe Lee’s testimony.

Joe Lee shared an amazing testimony of God’s faithfulness. In his testimony he made a comment about how amazing it was to wake up to Pastor Alvin encouraging him and affirming him every morning. He said “I felt so confident, like I could take on the world.

I was reminded of how important it is for spiritual and biological fathers to encourage their children.

For many of us, we don’t have a Pastor Alvin to wake up to and tell us how amazing we are. But what we do have is access to a Father in heaven who loves us so much and wants to tell us and show us how much He loves us on a daily basis.

For some of us, we have the opportunity to be the “Pastor Alvin” in someone else’s life, to encourage them, affirm them and uplift them like our Father in heaven does to us.

To take it a step further, Siang-Yang said “Praying for your children is one of the most important things you can do for them.” Speaking words of encouragement to your children are great, but praying over your children may be even better. 

With prayer, fathers, biological or spiritual, have the ability to cover their children when they can’t be around them 24/7. With prayer, children too can learn to call on Jesus for help and guidance.

Siang-Yang challenged us with this question:

“What are you doing for your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren?”