Nurture Family

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”

Galatians 5:22-23

As many of you know, we had our AGM this past Sunday. In addition to the necessary church business, I found it to be a good time of looking back on what God had done over the past year, while also looking forward to what God is doing. Most importantly, I truly think the presence of God was with us this past Sunday. From the worship, to the meeting, to dinner, I could see the hand of God upon us as a church family.

One thing was clear to me from the meeting – God is on the move. There are so many things that have happened over the past years that were signs of this. From new deacons and leaders, to financial growth, to the water wells, the refugee dinner, and so much more, I see God’s hand upon us. In all of these things, I see growth and maturing as a church family. I feel blessed to be able to be a part of this movement of God among us!

Yet, just as Gabe mentioned, I’m also reminded that the enemy is not one to stand idly by. While we celebrate what God is doing among us, we should also be aware that we have an enemy who will actively try to put a stop to those things. As much as we recognize that God is moving in us and through us, we need to nurture what God is doing.

We are blessed to be a church family together, and one that God is using more and more for his purposes. But like all families, maintaining healthy relationships takes work. Many of you may be familiar with this from your own families. The bonds that keep a family together need to be constantly nurtured in order for the family to stay together. There are times when relationships within a family are harmonious, and when everyone seems united and together. But there are also times when family takes real work. There can be moments of stress, disagreement, and even offence that can begin to wedge a family apart.

In these situations, we need to protect what God is doing among us. In sports, there is a saying that “the best defense is a good offense.” What it means is that at times, being proactive is the best form of defense. I think the same principle applies to families. If we truly intend to protect and nurture what God is doing, it will take some proactiveness on our part. But the proactiveness that it will require is that of the Spirit. It will take growth in the fruit of the Spirit within us – growth in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

When it comes to nurturing our church family and protecting what God is doing, proactively seeking God and seeking to grow in the Lord is the surest way forward. And as Hebrews 12:1-2 teaches us, may we have our eyes fixed on Jesus in all of this.