Trust In The Lord

The LifeSpring family had another amazing privilege of having one of our Board of Directors speak on Sunday. Mae-Tuin has been serving the LifeSpring family faithfully for many years in the children’s ministry and now as the secretary of the Board of Directors.

I, Gabe, have personally had the privilege of journeying with Mae-Tuin in Lifegroup and in Lead Well. What I have seen is that Mae-Tuin is a woman who genuinely loves God, a heart that seeks Him, and a life desperately obedient to Him.

Thank you Mae-Tuin for speaking. If you missed it, please watch the video here:

In God-given direction, Mae-Tuin spoke from this passage:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

This passage so happens to be the church memory verse for the next 3 months (July – September). Praise the Lord for His confirmation that we are on the right verse!

There were 3 challenges from Mae-Tuin this Sunday that I believe are for the entire church family:

1. Direction: What is your Path?

Deviation from your God-given path can have consequences. Adam and Eve strayed from their path and it resulted in severe consequences. If you know your path, then you know your direction, and if you know your direction, you will know what is a distraction.

2. Destination: What is your Plan?

Whenever we set out to plan, we often come up with MY plan. It is a natural response to planning – yet it is often hidden in pride in our own strength. Learn to go to the Lord in listening prayer. Hearing from Him gives the right plan, even if that plan seems foolish in our own eyes.

3. Dominion: What is your Purpose?

When God shows you the path and speaks into the plan – recognize your purpose. Fear can stop our purpose. Sometimes the path and plan seem too big or too scary! It takes the grace and power of the Holy Spirit to do God-given assignments. Remembering the purpose keeps our eyes on God.

A perfect example of a man who was given a path, a plan, and remembered his purpose was a man named Noah. He was told to build an ark (path), he was given instructions on exactly how to build the ark (plan), and he had to remember that this was God’s will (purpose). The Scriptures reveals how Noah responded to this:

Noah did everything just as God commanded him.

Genesis 6:22

LifeSpring family, my prayer for us is that we would be like Noah. We will do everything just as God commanded us. Continue to listen to the still small voice, when music comes upon your mind and lips pay attention to the sound of heaven, when the unknown is set before you – run to listening prayer and hear the Lord! You are blessed to be a blessing – your blessing is being able to hear the Lord for yourself, and for others.