The Greatness Of God’s Grace

The Greatness Of God’s Grace

Last Sunday, we had our Wildfire Sunday, where the youth led the entire service from introduction to closing prayer. They did an amazing job, and I was personally very blessed by the entire service! I’m so thankful for the effort and energy they brought from everything to ushering, worship, MC’ing, testimony, and message.

It reminded me of a passage that I spoke on a few months ago from Ephesians 2:5-7. It says,

“You are saved by God’s grace! And God raised us up and seated us in the heavens with Christ Jesus. God did this to show future generations the greatness of his grace by the goodness that God has shown us in Christ Jesus.”

There are plenty of great insights from this short passage. It speaks about how God has raised us up, saving us by God’s grace. In the earlier part of Ephesians 2, it talks about how before we were saved by God’s grace, we “were like a dead person” who used to live according to the world. Then, God saved us from the power of death. And not only that, God raised us up and seated us in the heavens with Christ Jesus. That means that we are not only saved, we are also filled with life and the glory of God.

Next, verse 7 answers the “why” question. Why does God do this for us? It’s to show future generations the greatness of his grace.

After service on Sunday, we gathered as we do every other week behind the sanctuary for prayer and intercession. This was our largest in-person intercession meeting yet, and it was great to have so many people to pray together with. But another amazing thing was all the generations that were gathered together to pray. We had people from the grandparent generation, in their 70s, all the way down to people in their teens, and almost every decade in between.

As we worshipped and prayed together, there was an amazing sense of God’s presence and pleasure among us. And I think part of the reason is because of what is said in Ephesians 2, that God does this to show future generations the greatness of his grace by the goodness that God has shown us in Christ Jesus. 

I pray that as a church family, from the oldest to the youngest, we would reflect the glory, grace, and goodness of God to one another. May we share with each other the wisdom, energy, insight, and gifts that God has given us, regardless of our age. And as we do, I believe we’ll continue to see the goodness and grace of God from one generation to the next