Unideal Part 2

You know the best way to end off the summer? Catching a cough.

I know what you’re thinking, and I also thought the same thing. After a summer full of visiting family, a math course, two retreats, and a lot of preparation for the upcoming school year, I planned to finish up my projects and enjoy two somewhat relaxing last weeks of summer before school kicked off in September. Catching my siblings’ cough (yes, it was 100% from them) was not on my bucket list and really messed up my plans. A lot of meetups and meals with friends got cancelled, and I was more than a little disappointed at this turn of events.

However, I realized my cough was actually a blessing in disguise. As a result of cancelling my plans, I had more time to study, work on my own projects, and just relax. I got to stay home and unwind (aka hide from people) in a way that I wouldn’t be able to had I not been sick. I counted 7 cancelled plans/events, and this doesn’t even include missing church on Sunday. I had a LOT of time on my hands to enjoy some peace and quiet during the last few weeks of summer.

Lesson learned: Getting sick is a great excuse to cancel plans.  

All jokes aside, this reminded me of Romans 8:28:

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.

God can use anything, good or bad, for our good, so if life seems a little rough at the moment, remember that in the end, it will work out for your good. If God can make getting sick a good thing, then He can do anything.