A Sacrifice Of Praise

A Sacrifice Of Praise

Praise does not put us back into God’s presence, it brings God’s presence to us. Praise is a magnet to the presence of God. Where there is praise, there you will find His presence.

There were days in my walk with the Lord where I realized that the presence of God was powerful! I knew that when I was in the presence of the Lord my worries seemed smaller, my addictions seemed to disappear, my anxieties were no more. The presence was powerful so I would chase where I could find it. I found that that conferences were a place of great presence and so I would go to conference after conference after conference. But it seemed like I would always have spiritual highs and spiritual lows. This was necessary and important in my journey – but this is not where God wanted me to stay. As the family of LifeSpring and a call to be the huios (mature sons) we are not meant to stay in the ‘chase’ of finding His presence but being people who attract the presence of God – whether that be in the church, workplace, school, home, anywhere.

This is where praise comes in. Praise is a primary way to attract the presence of God, praise is like a magnet drawing God to where we are. Where there is praise – there you will find His presence.

But how can we praise when we feel have nothing to give praise for? When hardship seems inevitable, when you have lost hope in your circumstances changing? How do we give praise?

We give a sacrifice of praise.

I’ve only witnessed 1 sacrifice. Our hosts in Uganda gave us a goat to ‘sacrifice’ so that we could enjoy a meal together. I saw them bind its legs, hold its body down, and provide Herman with a weapon to perform the sacrifice. I saw a goat who was not a willing sacrifice, a goat who did not want to give up his life for our meal.

Giving a sacrifice of praise is not always about our emotions or our feelings. Giving a sacrifice of praise is giving glory to the one who deserves it and the one who asks us to do it. Giving a sacrifice of praise is learning to give praise even when you don’t feel like it but choosing to open your lips and speak your adoration and thanksgiving to God – simply because it pleases Him.

In some of my darkest days this year, I didn’t feel like praise and worship. In fact, it never crossed my mind to give praise – my life was mainly prayers of complaints and listing my challenges and flaws. Yet the Lord whispered to me, “bring me a sacrifice of praise”. He began to remind me that he used a widow’s last jug of oil and provided for a year. He showed me that a woman who gave a penny and gave all that she could was counted more than any other offering. He showed me that with 5 loaves and 2 fish, He fed thousands. He reminded me that with whatever little, no matter how small my sacrifice of praise would be – He could do wonders.

Life is busy and life is full of challenge. But to embrace life and to face challenge in the presence of God ensures that God responds. Let us a be a church family who praises the King of Kings everywhere we go. Let us be a people who attract the presence of God in places that God has been removed (market, schools, government, etc.). Let us be a people of praise everywhere we go.

Patient Endurance requires Praise.
Praise brings God’s presence to us.