Ripple Effect

We had the pleasure of having Lyndon and Patrice join us and speak last Sunday. Some of you may remember Lyndon from his visit in September 2021 as part of a team that was cycling across Canada to raise money to construct wells. As a result of that visit, we felt God calling us as a church to raise money to construct seven wells in Africa. Patrice is the overseer of the well construction project in Benin, where our seven wells are installed.

Throughout Patrice’s message, he kept returning to the idea of the Ripple Effect. Providing access to clean water through well construction creates a ripple effect within communities in two ways. First, water is a basic necessity of life, and the provision of clean water creates a ripple effect that transforms the lives of individuals, families, schools, children, communities, and so much more. Providing a well also creates an opportunity to share the gospel, which transforms the lives of people in a whole different way, the ripples of which are felt for generations. Patrice shared many stories of the ripple effect water was having on communities, and I would like to highlight three stories.

First, Patrice shared the impact a water well was having on a school (see the video here: In one school community in the south part of Benin, children were often limited to retrieving water from a swamp in the mornings when school was supposed to begin. Classes couldn’t start while these children were out retrieving water, and the water that they were collecting was still filthy. When a well was installed, they noticed an improvement in student learning as the school began to thrive.

Second, Patrice shared the story of one village in the north of Benin. Benin is the birthplace of Voodoo, and the people here were worshippers of Voodoo and hostile to the gospel and would not allow anyone to come and share the gospel. However, through the offer of constructing a well, Patrice and his team were able to enter into the community as friends and had an opportunity to show the Jesus Film. In partnership with the Assemblies of God denomination, a brand new church was planted in the community. Many young people in that village became Christian, and some have even attended Bible school.

Lastly, Patrice shared the impact water had on the life of Elodie (watch the story here: Elodie shared about how the women in one community in Benin were previously collecting water from a swamp. They would scoop water straight from the swamp in large bowls, then walk long distances with these heavy bowls on their heads. Furthermore, children and adults were getting sick from drinking this water. The provision of a well has changed the lives of women in the village. Now, people here are able to focus their efforts and finances on developing other parts of their lives and community.

Lifespring, you are part of the ripple effect that Jesus is having in these communities halfway around the world. As many of you know, every Sunday we have a time of tithing where the kids are invited to come to the front and drop coins into a container. In 2022, we used a water jug as a container, with all of the collection going toward building a water well. Even our children have had the privilege of being a part of the ripple effect Jesus is having in communities in Benin. As Lyndon said in his message, it’s children at Lifespring providing for children in Benin. Let’s pray that these ripples that God has begun will continue to resonate for generations.