Children Of God

I really enjoyed Joe’s message on Sunday. He speaks with such integrity and you can tell what he’s saying comes out of a genuine love for God and a genuine care for others.

The part of Joe’s message that stuck out to me was the understanding of what it means to be a child of God and the different stages. 

As a systematic thinker, It was helpful for me to see what each stage involved and how it compared to the next stage. I think it might be helpful if I shared what Joe outlined in his slides. (Thanks Joe!) 

Nepios (spiritual babies of God)
  • The new spiritual baby, joy of new life in Christ; at the very beginning of the spiritual maturity stage
  • Although they have received a revelation of who God is and have entered in the new life, nepios are inclined to the natural and flesh life. They are quick to gossip, cause conflict and division, are self-centered and always involved in angry or bitter disagreements over fundamental issues.  They whine, fight, scream, and always cry when they do not get their ways, like babies do.
  • Nephios feed on milk of the Word of God. “Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.” – Hebrews 5:13
  • Nephios are tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. (Ephesians 4:14)
  • Paul states that as long as an heir is underage, he does not differ from a servant even though he owns everything.  This means that as long as we are spiritual babies, this inheritance may lack value in the hands of Nepios.
  • Unlike a physical baby, spiritual babies can stay in this stage a lifetime.
Paidion (young child of God)
  • The first thing we see about a PAIDION is that they are humble. This may be the characteristic that indicates a NEPIOS has begun to grow. They start to think less of themselves.
  • They have begun to know the Father intimately
  • There is an existing relationship but still deficiency in maturity, and still has childish nature
  • Their foundation in Christ is not fully developed yet; when offended or storms come, they can easily revert back to their old ways and habits.  When we disconnect from our assignment following an offense, a heartbreak or bitter moment, we are still children.
  • The disciples were still Paidion; they had slipped back and disconnected from their assignment as followers of Christ after the death of Jesus, going back to their usual routine; fishing
  • Paidion are under the care of a spiritual father in church because they are not ready for the world on their own.
Teknon (older child of God)
  • Teknon are spiritual teenagers, the older children in the Body of Christ
  • Teknon children actively seek the Lord and have a deeper understanding of God’s love. Understand the importance of abiding in Him. This is a fundamental characteristic of this level of growth.
  • Teknon are still struggling to have Christ formed in their character, their personality, and in their life.
  • They struggle with keeping themselves from idols in their life
  • They are learning to go into the world and dealing with sins of the world
Huios (sons of God)
  • Huios know their Father; actively always seek Him
  • They are completely matured, lacking nothing
  • Jesus is the ultimate Huios, showed us what a matured son looks like “Not my will, but your will be done”
  • The first thing Jesus said about ‘sons of God’ is that they are peacemakers. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God“ – Matthew 5:9 They go in and end fights
  • They love their enemies and pray for their persecutors
  • They are the good seed, the sons of the Kingdom
  • They do not sleep spiritually, but put on the armor of God, exhorting and building each other up
  • They learn obedience through suffering; like Christ
  • Huios are ready for commissioning, ready to do God’s will on earth
  • Understand and operate in the inheritance God has given us as the mature sons of God; display God’s very nature
Pater (the Father)
  • This is where the HUIOS start to become a PATER – a father. 
  • An absolute necessary growth phase for the church; churches actually suffer when they don’t have much fathers/pateres 
  • Men of God are called the Pateres, fathers 
  • Children (Nepios, paidion, teknon) need fathers, both in the natural and spiritual. The NEPIOS, PAIDION, and TEKNON need the continual attention, comfort and edification of the PATERES. 
  • HUIOS needs a PATER as a mentor. 
  • Paters to the end walk worthily of God.

Now that you have read through the stages, where do you think you land as a child of God?

If you don’t know, I suggest that you go to God in prayer and ask Him to reveal to you what stage you are at as a child of God.

I’ll be honest with you, in this season of Patient endurance I feel like I’ve been a Nepios, Paidion and Teknon at different times of the year. Although it’s not necessarily where I want to be, I think knowing where you are helps you navigate where you need to go and where you need to grow.

Regardless of what stage you are at in life, I’m reminded that one of the most important aspects of being a child of God is to be led by the Spirit.

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

– Romans 8:14 NIV

Joe said it well, “Before you are saved the devil will try and keep you from knowing Jesus, after you are saved the devil will keep you from knowing the Holy Spirit.” 

Perhaps consider your walk with the Lord. Is the devil keeping you from knowing Jesus? Do you need to say a prayer to the Lord, confessing your sins and declaring that Jesus is Lord and savior? Is the devil keeping you from knowing the Holy Spirit? Are you being led by the Spirit or by you? Do you need to say a prayer to the Lord, submitting your ways to him and asking the Holy Spirit to guide you and lead you?