Purpose 2025: Fruitfulness (Lifespring Family – Part 3)

Purpose 2025: Fruitfulness (Lifespring Family – Part 3)

Two of the major highlights every year are our Family Weekend (Aug 2-4, 2025) & our Family Gatherings (joint service with MLCF) that happen throughout the year. As we grow in Fruitfulness, we must always tie it back to who we are – a Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God & Genuine Care for Others. This year, we will continue to build on these through Family Weekend and the Hospitality Team.

Family Weekend

The Family Weekend is always a highlight every year. It’s a time where we come together to seek the Lord and allow Him to shape and mature us. In 2024, our speaker helped us recognize our ignorance and graciously taught, guided, and challenged us on how to be hospitable, welcoming, and caring even to those who are “on the other side” (strangers).

In being challenged to welcome people who may not look like us, act like us, eat like us, or have the same life experiences as us – it is a challenge for the Lifespring Family to still welcome all whom the Lord brings to our doorstep.

As we continue to prepare to welcome refugees that the Lifespring Family is currently sponsoring, Adrian & Sherene Wi, who have been working with refugees all around the world in the area of trauma care, will be our speakers this year. We want to lean on their experience and wisdom on how the Lifespring Family can be healed from our own traumas while also being a care centre for those who are hurting. The hope is that we will train in August and send a mission team to Greece in Oct/Nov so that we can practically practice what we learn at the Family Weekend.


Our family get togethers with MLCF continue to be highlights of the year. As I was speaking with Alex Soon, deacon of hospitality, he felt that our celebrations were more than just family gatherings, they were an opportunity for us to celebrate God and an opportunity to share with our friends and families. We will continue our gathering dates while emphasizing a focus on inviting others. We anticipated approximately 120 people for our Christmas gathering in 2024, but we had over 180 people join us that day!

February: Volunteer Appreciation

June: Annual General Meeting

September: Back to School

December: Christmas

Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God & Genuine Care for Others. This is the assignment over the Lifespring family and an assignment I am proud to be a part of. This assignment will not happen by chance and a Kingdom Family will not appear out of nowhere. Kingdom Family is something we need to fight for. Make every effort in 2025 to see Kingdom Family be fruitful in and outside the church walls!