“Christ is just like the human body—a body is a unit and has many parts; and all the parts of the body are one body, even though there are many.”
“But as it is, there are many parts but one body. So the eye can’t say to the hand, “I don’t need you,” or in turn, the head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.” Instead, the parts of the body that people think are the weakest are the most necessary.”
– 1 Corinthians 12:12, 20-22
I want to start off by admitting that I haven’t gone for an annual physical checkup with my doctor in a long time. I have my first appointment booked in a couple of weeks, but I think my last physical exam was around 2016 while Theresa and I were still living in California. Of the exams I did go for before then, one piece of advice my doctor would consistently give me was to lose some weight. I remember my doctor in California asking about my exercise habits, telling me that I needed to get moving more.
So how does that relate to what Paul says in 1 Corinthians? I think a body that is healthy and well is naturally designed to move. It’s interesting that Paul would use the imagery of a body in talking about the body of Christ. It was a joy last Sunday to have our Volunteer Appreciation, where we got to celebrate our church as a body. As I looked around the room, I realized that everyone present had contributed to the church in some way. Whether you’ve encouraged someone in conversation, led a life group, counted tithes, participated in worship, given generously, shared a testimony – you’ve contributed to the body as a vital part of it. We really are blessed with amazing people, and we appreciate you!
For me personally, after moving back from California, I joined the pastoral team in 2019. Looking back at that time, the first message I gave in 2019 was titled “GO.” The whole idea was that God wants to work through us, and flow through us to reach others. We are to not just stay still, but “GO.” Like a body, there needs to be movement for a body to be healthy and stay healthy.
As I look back six years later, I’m starting to realize how relevant that “GO” message was. When I look around the room at all our amazing volunteers, I see a body of Christ that is growing and well. And as I look forward to 2025, I see a body that is ready and designed to move, and to have God flow through us to reach others. As I think about all that God wants to do in this season of fruitfulness, I’m filled with hope and anticipation for what’s to come. Please pray along with us as God moves in and through us this year.
God, thank you for every person, every part, of the body of Christ at Lifespring. I pray that as your plan continues to unfold for 2025, that we will be able to move with you and flow with your Spirit as you call us to go where you lead. May we hear your voice so clearly this year and have your wisdom as we navigate this season of fruitfulness. In Jesus name, Amen.