A Full Tank

What a blessing is it to hear from Mae-tuin this past Sunday. It’s always a pleasure and a privilege to hear from the Family of Lifespring.

After hearing Mae-tuin’s message, I took away two things.

  1. Never get in the car with Mae-tuin unless you have a gas tank, cash, or a means to purchase gas because 9 times out of 10 the car is on “E” 
  2. Fill up your tank: Mental, Physically, and Spiritually by Focusing on God

Mae-tuin challenged us with the question:
How full is your cup? Is your cup half full or half empty?

There are going to be times in your life where you feel half full, half empty and “full full” as Winston says. Sometimes it might be because you are too Cautious, sometimes it might be because you are too Carefree (or Careless?), and other times it might be because you are too Complacent. Either way, we need to learn how to recognize when we need to fill up our tanks.

Our tanks often become empty when we lose our focus on God and shift it towards ourselves. We resort to relying on our own strength, wisdom, knowledge and understanding to take us through the journey of life, forgetting that God has “the fuel” to satisfy your every need.

Focus on self > Focus on God = Empty Tank
Focus on God > Focus on self = Full Tank (Your cup overflows)

God’s word says: 

5 You prepare a table before me

    in the presence of my enemies.

You anoint my head with oil;

    my cup overflows.

Psalm 23:5 (NIV)

Funny thing about filling a car with gas is that it always requires you to stop at a gas station and turn the car off before you fill your tank. I’ve yet to see a car’s tank being filled while driving on the road.

Can I suggest to you that we need to do the same thing with God when we go to fill our tank. We need to stop at “the table He has prepared for us,” which means stop what you’re doing, turn your phones off if you need to and sit at the table in His presence. Reach for the cup and receive the grace that God has for you and allow it to overflow in every area in your life.

My prayer for you today is that you would stop and ask yourself how full is your cup? If you’re in need of some fuel, pull into the closest gas station (anywhere you can be alone with God) and allow him to speak and minister to you. Receive the grace He wants to give you and allow it to overflow in every area you need it too and too every person who comes in contact with you. It is made possible in Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen!