Align with God’s Purposes in Your Suffering & Trials Part 2

Align with God’s Purposes in Your Suffering & Trials Part 2

This past Sunday we continued our series on suffering.

Below are 4 additional purposes in suffering – its not a formula – but sometimes God needs to get our attention or adjust our character for the assignment he truly has for us.

Take a moment and read through the 4 purposes. Just prayerfully ask the Lord to speak to you as you read it – to grab your spirit’s attention if He wants to speak to you through it.

Purpose #5: To reveal Christ in us to those blinded by Satan
God uses all moments. Sometimes our pain reveals Christ to others. If it brings others closer to God then maybe… maybe its all worth it.

Purpose #6: To prepare us for ministry assignments
God often uses our own sufferings and trials to prepare us for what is to come. God is setting you up… pass the test and move on to your assignment!

Purpose #7: To motivate and encourage others to minister
Similar to #5, our sufferings will never go to waste.

Purpose #8: To bring glory to Himself
We don’t always know why we suffer – but we know that it is always to bring glory to God. Hear Him when He speaks, hear Him when He is silent – but always remember that He is faithful

Help us Father. Suffering by our own strength is futile. But suffering in the power and presence of Your Spirit is purposeful. Help us to move and operate out of your love and Holy Spirit. May your grace and mercy increase and may we see you working inch by inch, day by day. Amen