Always Listening

I’ve always wondered why God in the Old Testament would give such specific details. Build the temple 200 cubic yards with 6 pillars, 2 bowls, and 35 doves. Sometimes I wish God would do the same with me – buy google stocks, plant a garden, buy only Lexus cars, etc. If God just told me exactly what to do then it takes the difficulty of decision making out of it!

In the Old Testament (OT), Moses told the people to be very careful to make the temple exactly how the Lord described. When God spoke in the OT, you had to be VERY CAREFUL to follow His instructions.

Today, in the New Testament (NT) times, sometimes we don’t take this instruction as seriously. God gave all of us His Holy Spirit – to relate, the learn, to HEAR Him. But so often we hear and ignore/forget/give up.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His voice is to be honoured and respected. When He speaks, we need to be very careful to listen and obey and be VERY CAREFUL to follow His instructions.

Lifespring family, we have been given an amazing blessing to hear God speak. I encourage us all to be VERY CAREFUL to hear and obey. As we grow in maturity lets learn to listen the 1st time God speaks and not have to be told 5 times before we move to action.

Father, help us to grow in our maturity. May we be people who are quick to hear and quicker to action. May we hear you clearly and be courageous through your spirit to act upon it.