“Am I my brother’s keeper?”

“Am I my brother’s keeper?”

Dear LifeSpring Family,

“Am I my brother’s keeper?”

Being your brother’s and sister’s keeper doesn’t mean you have to be a blood relative, it just means you have to have compassion and empathy for your fellow man. … By being your ‘brother’s/sister’s keeper’ you are taking a responsibility in their life.

Are we our brother’s keeper?

Jesus himself said that whatever we do to the needy, the helpless, the oppressed, and the marginalized we do to him. We are our sibling’s keeper. Our own well-being is bound forever to the well-being of everyone. That’s what it means to love our neighbor as ourselves.

God taught me this lesson many years ago through my grade 8 son, Caleb. When Caleb was looking to buy additional used PS2 controllers, he found someone in his school who was willing to sell them to him for $10.00 each. Caleb instead instinctively knew WWJD and paid her $20.00 for each of the controllers. Caleb knew that he was his “sister’s keeper”.

Later that day around the dinner table, Caleb was relating to us how excited he was to now have four controllers for his PS2 game console. When he got to the part of paying double the asking price, I was very anamated and asked why would he do that. He told us around the dinner table because that is the fair market price and the right thing to do.

I had some maturing to do and learning from Caleb that day.

Kingdom faith is the decision to believe and act on Jesus’ simple command in Matthew 22:36-39.

Love God and love others,

Faith: Part 1