What Will I Be Remembered For?
I had an essay prompt that ran along the lines of “What do you expect to be remembered for and why?” It really got me thinking, If I died today, what would people say at my funeral? It’s a morbid topic, I know, but bear with me. The “Correct Christian Answer” would obviously be “people saw Christ in me”. As I was trying to envision what that would look like on paper, a thought I had was, In what scenarios…
Purpose 2024 – Patient Endurance
As an Eldership & Pastoral Team, we sought the Lord and felt God put “Patient Endurance” on our hearts. In the world we live in today, the expectation and the norm are instant gratification. Whatever we want, whatever we need – it is available the same day and at worst, the next day. And although this has made life convenient, sometimes – oftentimes – the ways of the world are not the ways of God. … this calls for patient…
In God’s Hands
I remember receiving an email from Ann Dalton a couple years ago. At the end of her email was a quote that said: Those who leave everything in God’s hand will eventually see God’s hand in everything. After hearing Ryan’s message on Sunday about five loaves and two fish, I was reminded of that quote. In his devotional on Monday he said: “Five loaves and two fish is a tiny amount of food compared to the masses who needed it.…
Blessings for Everyone: Husbands, Fathers and Grandfathers
Dear LifeSpring, On my recent mission trip to Thailand and Singapore, I had a coffee meeting with a friend. He was excited to share with me the book he recently wrote. The book was about his life and how God played a central role in his life. In his book, he also shared a letter that his wife wrote to him. In her letter, among other things, she blessed him with the scripture found in Psalm 128, encouraging him with the…
Five Loaves & Two Fish
The story of Jesus feeding the five thousand is one of the most iconic and memorable stories in the Bible. Earlier this week when I was telling my family that I was speaking on this passage, Sophia (8 years old) piped up and said she knew the story well from her Rhyme Bible (Bible stories told through rhymes – I recommend!) The story appears in all four gospels and stands as a significant event in Jesus’s ministry in and around…
What is the Will of God?
Trying to figure out “The Will of God” is one of the most challenging things for believers to attempt. There is not always an exact formula or schedule that we have to follow… except sometimes we do have both of those things? It can come across as one of the most individual and specific things there is about our journey with God… and yet we do have very clear expectations given to the people of God through Scripture! Last Sunday…
Even The Smallest Person Can Change The Course Of The Future
In the movie The Fellowship of the Ring, Galadriel tells Frodo, “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future”, and it really got me thinking about the impact we have on the world. It’s easy for us to see CEOS and politicians calling the shots and making big changes in the world and think that what we do is pretty insignificant compared to them. This reminded me of when I went through the story of the 5…
A Brother In Need
At Lifespring we have many opportunities to be a blessing to others, especially those who are in need. This past Sunday, we created 200 winter care-packages for the homeless. We had everyone who attended that day help assemble these winter care-packages, from children to parents to grandparents. It was truly a family effort. One of the verses that seem to capture what we were doing is: This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life…
Kingdom Parenting: Prayer
Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature, and fully assured. Colossians 4:12 A measure of Kingdom maturity is prayer. If you consider yourself mature in the faith, the first thing to check is your prayer life. One of the most dangerous things in this world is when a child believes they are an adult.…
God Knows!
Dear LifeSpring Family, Allow me to share an encouragement that I shared recently on my mission trip to Thailand. I was given the opportunity to share with my fellow sisters and brothers from Thailand Campus Crusade For Christ in Bangkok. The Lord led me to share from Nahum 1:7: “The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.” I felt that the Lord wanted to remind them and us that “He knows those (us) who take refuge in him.” I don’t know about you, but sometimes as…
Pray, Pray, Pray
We were privileged to have Adib Ahmad from the Afghan Church GTA join us as our speaker yesterday. If you missed his message, I encourage you to see the recording here. Adib shared his testimony with us as a refugee who had to flee his home, Afghanistan, because of persecution as a Christian. In a nutshell, Adib became Christian through the work of missionaries in Afghanistan and began attending an underground church. Government authorities caught wind of this church and…
All Good Things Take Time
Getting to hear Pastor Anita preach to us again last Sunday was such a treat! Her sermons are always packed full of information and are overflowing with life. One of the biggest takeaways for me was the reminder that none of the big transformations we long for, or the breakthroughs we pray for, happen instantly. They take time. That doesn’t mean they will never happen quickly or that changes can’t take place miraculously. Of course that is possible! Especially when…