Same God, Different Me
When Silvia shared her testimony she said something that sparked a thought in my head. She said “Growing up God was the same in every season of my life. I was the one who was changing.” Hebrews 13:8 (NIV) says “8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Malachi 3:6 (NIV) says “6 I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.” One of the things that makes God such a…
Anchored In God
Matthew 7:24-25, “Everybody who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise builder who built a house on bedrock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the wind blew and beat against that house. It didn’t fall because it was firmly set on bedrock.” If you’ve been fasting with us this month, I want to wish you a Happy Breaking Fast Day! Hopefully your fast has been fruitful, and you’ve experienced God’s presence in…
Seeking First the Kingdom
As we’ve been praying about and exploring our 2023 church theme of Kingdom Parenting, I sensed the Lord offering me a gentle reminder. Rather than zeroing in on what it means to become Kingdom Parents, I needed to remember to shift my focus back to the Kingdom of God. In Matthew 6, Jesus instructed and equipped the people to pray to “Our Father”. That same Father in Heaven to whom we have been taught to pray to, is the same…
Prep with Prayer
I’ll be honest, I have a bad habit of doing things on the fly. Essay due tonight? Just unload your thoughts onto the paper. No time to practice the worship set before Sunday? Eh, it’ll be fine. (Sorry worship leaders). Over time, I found that having some kind of preparation or plan makes the actual project easier because I already took off some of the workload and figured out what to do. When I prep, however, I never pray about…
Prep with Prayer
I’ll be honest, I have a bad habit of doing things on the fly. Essay due tonight? Just unload your thoughts onto the paper. No time to practice the worship set before Sunday? Eh, it’ll be fine. (Sorry worship leaders). Over time, I found that having some kind of preparation or plan makes the actual project easier because I already took off some of the workload and figured out what to do. When I prep, however, I never pray about…
Dear LifeSpring Family, Most of us know the universal acronym S.O.S means Save Our Souls or Save Our Ship. However, it currently means ‘Strengthen Our Soul’ to me. This is because I am in a course to Strengthen Our(My) Soul. Power To Change (P2C) has made this course available to all staff because Soul Care has been the primary focus of P2C as we transition out of the pandemic. The first assignment centres on the 3 Ps – Page, Person…
Kingdom Parenting Starts with Love
“5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write…
Same Same, but Different
This week, I was reflecting on a couple of meetings I had with the people at Neighborlink North York. As you may know, during the second half of 2022 we decided to support the food bank (called the 415 Food Hub) run by Neighborlink in the Willowdale area. They were unable to operate for one month last year due to a lack of finances, so we decided to support this ministry so that they could continue to operate and provide…
Kingdom Parenting: Genuinely Care for Others
As we inquired and sought the Lord for His will for the church family in 2023, He put on our hearts Kingdom Parenting. I wish I could tell you exactly what this means and the 5 steps to accomplishment this assignment – but the reality is that as we learn and grow in Kingdom Parenting, the Lord will reveal aspects, tools, insights, for us to grow in it. Whenever there is a God-given Purpose there will always be God-given Provision.…
Lessons From Walking At Markville Mall
Dear LifeSpring Family, I have recently started walking at Markville Mall before the stores open. I do this as part of my exercise routine as well as to listen to the Lord. I took the opportunity to ask God for His message to me and LifeSpring regarding Kingdom Parenting this week. I sensed God affirming the need for Kingdom Parenting for the following reasons: Helps me mature a little more in Him as I focus on the needs of others…
No More Numbing Out
Hey Lifespring Fam! Check-in Time… We are thirteen days into this January Church Fast … we’ve nearly hit the two-week mark!! How’re we all doin’? Obviously, we can’t actually talk about it like this, but I’m willing to bet there are loads of different responses out there to that one, little question. I know for me, just within my own experience, I’m having lots of different responses: ONLY T W O W E E K S IN?! 😩 How much…
Filling the Void
Fasting meat has been difficult. I didn’t realize that swapping eggs for meat wouldn’t stop me from being hungry all the time, and my snacking habits subsequently skyrocketed to the point where my mom suggested that I fast snacks instead of meat. It didn’t help that there were a LOT of cookies, cake, and snacks at home from the Christmas and New Year baking. Last week, I had a wake up call from my sister, who said, “Abby, you can’t fill that…