Kingdom Parenting is Caring
Right before the new year, one of the titles of the weekly church email was “Ready, Set… FAST!” I think we’re definitely off to a running start for 2023, fasting and all. I had a chance to be part of the kickoff celebration with MLCF on January 1st, and it was an amazing way to ring in the new year. Our theme for 2023 is “Kingdom Parenting.” As we talk about parenting this year, I think it’s important to clarify…
Your 2023 Vision?
Dear LifeSrping Family, Do you have one? Allow me to share a hymn that most of us are familiar with. Be Thou My Vision Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heartNaught be all else to me, save that Thou artThou my best thought, by day or by nightWaking or sleeping, Thy presence my light Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true wordI ever with Thee and Thou with me, LordThou my great Father, and I Thy true…
It’s Not About What It Costs, It’s About What It’s Worth
Have you ever noticed that food and drinks at the airport cost way more than they do elsewhere? Why does a case of water cost $5.00 at a grocery store but a bottle of water at Pearson cost $3.00? It’s because the food and water is not priced at what it costs, it’s priced at what it’s worth.Both bottles of water are manufactured the same and cost the same to make. However the grocery store knows that you can buy…
2022 – For His Name’s Sake
2022 was full of amazing accomplishments through the action and generosity of the Lifespring family. Whether it was through the raising of over $75,000 for the water wells, giving over $15,000 for Ukraine Relief, and even giving over $20,000 to the Neighbourlink food bank – God truly showed us that we were blessed to be a blessing. Yet as I reflected on all the amazing things God has done in us, through us, and around us in 2022 – I…
Ready… Set… FAST
As I was preparing for this Sunday’s message about 2022, I read in my journal that 1 year ago at this exact time, the world went into another lockdown due to Covid-19 Omicron. It seems so long ago, but it was a mere 12 months ago! Reflecting on 2022 helped me remember that in the midst of all that happened and in the midst of all the changes and swings that occur – our constant anchor in life is Jesus.…
Blessed Christmas!
From our Life-Spring family to yours, we want to wish you a very merry and blessed Christmas! On behalf of the pastoral team, I want to express our heartfelt thanks for making this a wonderful year. From the mother’s day hampers to the Christmas pageant, and many other countless ways, we have shown together that Life-Spring is blessed to be a blessing. This would have been impossible without the contribution of so many of you, whether in providing food for…
Names of our Lord Jesus Christ for 2023
Dear LifeSpring Family A week ago I received a Christmas devotional from Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) in my email. Reading the devotional got me thinking about this almost-completed year of 2022. The devotional centered on the popular verses of Isaiah 9:6 and 7, which we usually read during the Christmas season. 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful…
I’ve been discovering that my new favourite thing about the Heart of God is the all-encompassing desire and promise to redeem all things. In different seasons of my life I’ve clung to different parts of God’s character… after heart breaks and relationships ending, I would rely entirely on the faithfulness of God; Jesus promised to never leave or forsake us!! In times of increased stress and literal failures in school, I learned about and appreciated the grace, forgiveness and mercy…
This week the Pastoral Team had the privilege of dropping off 10 hampers to families in need. The beautiful hampers made by you looked great, had fantastic gifts, and were truly a blessing! When we arrived to drop off our hampers, to be entirely honest with you – I thought that Lifespring had done her part and taking on 10 hampers was probably a bulk of what they need. However, we found out that they had 215 families sign up for hampers…
Rock, Paper, Scissors
One of the gems that I caught from Ryan’s sermon on Sunday was the line about “The right thing at the wrong time can make it the wrong thing.” It reminded me of all the times I’ve played Rock, Paper, Scissors with Sam Lai. Let me explain: One of the things I love about playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with Sam Lai is that he always goes Rock. Like, he even says he’s going to go Rock and for a second…
From Equipping to Empowerment
At the beginning of this month, we launched Lifespring’s vision for 2023 (see it here: https://youtu.be/dvDYU138YMc?t=2725). I, for one, am excited about what we’ll be doing in the new year. When Uncle Perry spoke about the new season coming up for Lifespring, he mentioned that God would be taking us from a place of equipping to empowerment. But what does the journey from equipping to empowerment look like? I compare that journey to another journey in the Bible, that of…
Bottling Up Joy
A friend of mine was sharing some really exciting news with me and she said that she felt like her whole self was cheerful! She’s been seeing God do really extraordinary things in her work life and the more she shared about this cheerfulness, the more I began to realize that what she is experiencing is the joy of the Lord… I was amazed because it sounds like she is truly getting to experience a portion of the joy…