Announcements (Page 29)

Remembering Love During Christmas

Dear LifeSpring Family, It has started. The Christmas gathering appointments, the gift buying, the decorations, the Christmas Tree, and the list of responsibilities/chores goes on. What was suppose to be a time of joy, rest and reflection can sometimes become a time of busyness, stress, and strained relationships. For me, knowing what love is and how love behaves has helped me to avoid sinning. I have memorized 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 to keep me focused on the reason for the season.…

Purpose 2023: Kingdom Parenting

As an Eldership & Pastoral Team we fast and pray in the month of September seeking God for His purposes for the next year. As we sought the Lord we felt God put on our hearts “Kingdom Parenting”. “Kingdom Parenting” is not restricted to the idea of raising your own physical children – parenting is raising the people whom God has put around us to be all that He has called them to be. Paul refers to Timothy as “my…

Christmas Season

Last week, I had the opportunity to lead prayer for our weekly intercession meeting on Wednesday night. As I was doing listening prayer about where to focus our prayer that evening, my mind went to some of the events that Lifespring is involved in during December as well as some of the needs of people connected to the church. For this devotion, I hope that you can join us in prayer as we continue to lift up those in need…

Christmas Season

Last week, I had the opportunity to lead prayer for our weekly intercession meeting on Wednesday night. As I was doing listening prayer about where to focus our prayer that evening, my mind went to some of the events that Lifespring is involved in during December as well as some of the needs of people connected to the church. For this devotion, I hope that you can join us in prayer as we continue to lift up those in need…

When The Growing Get Tough

Growing in the Lord has always been a bittersweet thing for me if I’m being honest. The ideas of growth seem sweet to the ears. The idea of going deeper with God and allowing Him to take you to a different level than you were once at is something we all long for in our spirit. But when I focus on the pain more than the promise I end up resisting the process of growth. What makes growth bittersweet for…

YES, Lord!! … Even if …

It’s that time of year once again when I begin to reflect on where the Lord has taken me on my journey of growth in Him since the year began. Just as it excites a kid to see a mark on his growth chart higher than the previous one, any growth in the Lord is one of the surest antidotes to spiritual boredom. Whether in big measure or small, the Lord knows that when our heart’s desire is to grow…


Dear LifeSpring Family Dorothy and I were at a Weekend Getaway recently. In the relational oneness session, I was reminded of how I should be communicating with Dorothy and others around me. It reviewed the types of communication in a quadratic table. Top left quadrant – loving, but not clear“Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbors, for we are all members of one body.” Ephesians 4:25 n(NIV) Top right quadrant – loving and…

Dream a Little Dream

A few weeks ago at Intercession, Rodney led us all to consider our dreams. Not like… the ones we see in our sleep at night, but the ones we hold close to our hearts; the ones that often get buried beneath the realities of life. I had joined Intercession that night, straight out of a discouraging planning meeting about the Willowdale Christmas Market. Our planning team seemed to be divided and everyone had questions, comments and concerns… but nobody seemed…

We Love You – Jon, Brenda, Isaac

If you did not get a chance to hear Jon Koh speak yesterday, please take a listen: There are many gems and much wisdom that can be gleaned, but today I want the entire church family to hear Jon & Brenda’s heart in our lead up to these moments: At our last AGM, I asked that every leader (Elders, Board of Directors, Deacons) engage in listening prayer to hear from God if they were in the right position. The…

Good Servant But Bad Master

Matt 6:31-33Therefore, don’t worry and say, ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to wear?’ Gentiles long for all these things. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them. Instead, desire first and foremost God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Last Sunday, we heard a message from Gabe about tithing and how it connects to our identity as Kingdom…

The Surgery Room

After listening to Gabe’s message last week, I was reminded of all the benefits that I have as a Canadian citizen. Some in which I didn’t even think were benefits until I realized that other countries would charge you for those same benefits in their country. I couldn’t help but think about what were some of the Kingdom’s benefits of being a Christian and a Son of the living God? What were some things that I was missing out on…

Tithes & Offerings

Growing up in this church, I always saw people put money into a little plate – my parents would give me loonies to put in the offering plate – sometimes I did, sometimes it ended up in my pocket. It became routine as a child. In fact, the entire reason we do what we do for the children today is for that very reason – to model and teach our children the very basics of tithing – give to God.…