Announcements (Page 47)

Stop. Listen. Pray.

Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Isaiah 55:6 I’ve really enjoyed the messages that have been shared over this past month at Life-Spring. Gabe, Donna, and Mae-Tuin all spoke into different aspects of our journey as a church. Gabe spoke on the topic of faith, Donna on identity and the armor of God, and Mae-Tuin shared her testimony of seeking and finding God in community in the midst of trials. Something…

“The heart of man plans his way, but…”

I just celebrated Dorothy’s 60th birthday and was so thankful to God for His provision, protection, and blessing upon Dorothy’s life. A day later, I walked over to make payment to the two teenage boys who mow our lawn. Their mother answered the door and I was a little startled. I apologized for waking her up from her afternoon nap. But her response totally caught me off guard. “I am not doing well, Jerry. I was diagnosed with cancer, had…

Faith, Hope, Love & War

Yesterday we had the privilege of hearing Mae-Tuin’s journey of growing in God. Through the highs and lows, through the unknowns and the challenges, through it all – the Seto family came out the other side closer to God. Jesus says in John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” There is an age old question – “If God is so loving, why do bad things happen”? This is a real…

Flesh & Blood

We’re five days post-Donna’s Sunday sermon and, if you’re like me, you’re still digesting parts of it… and will be for a while yet! This week has definitely held many challenging conversations and next-level frustrations. You’d think I would’ve seen them coming, eh?! After taking in a sermon like the one we heard from Donna, it should truly not come as a surprise for many of the things she spoke about to be front and centre in the days following.…

Seed Moment

I don’t know about you guys but after Donna’s message on Sunday, I found myself needing to put on the full armor of God literally that night. You know a word is good when the enemy tries to snatch away a seed that the Lord is trying to plant the same day it is sown.  I’m reminded of the scriptures in Matthew 13:18-23 (NLT) 18 “Now listen to the explanation of the parable about the farmer planting seeds: 19 The…

God with Us

It’s always a blessing when Donna comes to speak to us! At our worship service yesterday, Donna came to encourage Lifespring with some of the words she’s been hearing from God. She reminded us that amidst all that is going on around us, we need to remember that Jesus is still with us. In the difficult circumstances we face and the very real challenges of daily life, we can continue to have hope stirred up in us because Jesus is here.…

By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, IF…

During this week’s pastoral team meeting the Lord reminded me of John 13:35. “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” As my family expands to include two daughters-in-law, one son-in-law, and two grandsons, there are many more relationships to navigate. With the increased number of relationships comes an increased number of opinions and approaches to life. While I am thankful that we all subscribe to the Lordship of Jesus…

Birds and Lilies

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”Matthew 6:26-27 Now that we have had two weeks of teaching about faith, I feel like each of us have many questions to ask ourselves! We’ve been asked to consider what it is that…

Faith: Part 2

Hebrews 11:6 Without faith it is impossible to please God… What is Faith?  Kingdom Faith is hope and assurance that something will happen, though we cannot see it. Kingdom Faith is trusting the one making the promise Kingdom Faith comes from hearing God Kingdom Faith demands obedience Kingdom Faith ventures out though it cannot see Kingdom faith knows that prayer is essential Kingdom faith submits in obedience Kingdom faith pleases God Personally, faith was always just a big word Christians…


During Intercession this past Wednesday, Rochelle led us in a time of reflection to refocus our thoughts onto God and share a testimony of what God has done in our lives. In my group there were many testimonies being shared of God’s goodness, His favour and blessings, breakthrough and His impeccable timing. But one thing that stood out to me during our time of sharing was this phrase that kept being repeated, “ONLY GOD.” With every testimony, with every breakthrough,…

“Am I my brother’s keeper?”

Dear LifeSpring Family, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Being your brother’s and sister’s keeper doesn’t mean you have to be a blood relative, it just means you have to have compassion and empathy for your fellow man. … By being your ‘brother’s/sister’s keeper’ you are taking a responsibility in their life. Are we our brother’s keeper? Jesus himself said that whatever we do to the needy, the helpless, the oppressed, and the marginalized we do to him. We are our…

Faith: Part 1

What is Faith? It is a term we use in our walk with the Lord, we know that it is important… but do we actually know what Kingdom Faith means? Hebrews 11:6Without faith it is impossible to please God… As a church family – in our call to maturity – it will be impossible without Faith! We must throw off wrong understanding and begin to know and recognize true Kingdom Faith. This week we will explore some misconceptions and next…