God Desires Willingness
Luke 11:11-12–“Which father among you would give a snake to your child if the child asked for a fish? If a child asked for an egg, what father would give the child a scorpion?” A few weeks ago, I spoke about the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22. In this story, God calls out to Abraham and asks him to take his son Isaac and give him up as an offering to God. Abraham obeys–he travels with Isaac…
Canada Day
Earlier this spring I told WildFire that the thing I’m looking forward to most/hoping for this summer is to watch the massive fireworks display on Canada Day at Ashbridges Bay with my friends. It’s been a tradition for ages and has always meant a lot to me! But now, tomorrow is Canada Day and I’m finding myself in a very different place. In light of Making Every Effort and maturing in our faith; understanding the need to be open to…
Receiving Correction
This journey of growing in maturity that we’re on continues to bring us more and more into a place of dying to self and living for Christ! We’ve moved from learning about the Fear of God into Humility and then into being open for God to change us… naturally, correction is part of this journey of maturity. Last week Ryan preached about change. He encouraged us to truly pray the prayer we memorized from Psalm 134:23-24 “Search me, O God,…
Full Tank
Upon reading Gabe’s devotional on Naioth – God’s dwelling, I was reminded of how important it is for us to run to the Father, to run to Him in our busiest and stressful times. I’ve noticed in myself the bittersweet feeling of everything opening up again. Yes, we get to do more and see more people but it also comes with its fair share of business, accompanied by more stress life has to offer. After a careful examination of my…
God’s Dwelling
There was a place in the times of David called Naioth. It was home to prophets and prophets in training. The literal meaning of Naioth is God’s dwelling. David was a man whom God loved, yet David was a man who faced great trials throughout his entire life. He was rejected as a youth, was a victim of attempted murder in his adult years, and even a victim of adultery in his senior years. Yet the bible says that David…
Every Mountain Moves
Psalm 139:23-24Search me, O God, and know my heart,test me, and know my anxious thoughts,point out anything in me that offends you,and lead me along the path of everlasting life. During worship at our last Sunday Celebration, there was a line from one of our songs that stuck out to me. It says, “every mountain moves, with a word from you.” The whole idea of mountains moving at the word of God reminds me of creation in Genesis 1. God…
Thoughts from My Listening Prayer with Our Lord Jesus Christ
Dear Sisters and Brothers, Recently, someone heard that I had a brand new small kitchen appliance just sitting in my basement. This person was going to purchase the exact same merchandise and wanted to bless me. Why not buy from me instead of from the store? This way she can put the money into my hands instead of a big box store. I responded by telling her that I had planned to use it as a housewarming gift to one…
A Call To Remember & Obey
Now that the first roll of vaccines are coming out and things are slowly beginning to open up, there is a sense of a return to normality. People are already making plans in anticipation of places opening up and restrictions being loosened. These are all good things that are worthy of excitement, but before I allow myself to be taken by the hopes of future interactions and the dreams of a maskless world, I am reminded of the importance of…
Make Every Effort in Praise
Yesterday capped off three amazing women from the Lifespring family. Karyne spoke on Making Every Effort to Love God, Leona spoke on Waiting, and finally Rebecca spoke on Making Every Effort to Praise God. Psalm 145:1-2I will exalt you, my God the King;I will praise your name for ever and ever.Every day I will praise youand extol your name for ever and ever As Rebecca taught us yesterday, praise is not a feeling, it is a choice. As David teaches…
The Ring of Fire
“Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.”Hebrews 13:20-21 Happy First Day of Stage One Everyone! 🙂 We are SO excited to see 15% capacity of the church…
Long-Term Care Centres
We are excited to announce an upcoming partnership with two local Long-Term Care Centres! At the beginning of 2020, we sensed the Lord leading us to reach outward and connect seniors in Long-Term Care Centres. Little did we know just how difficult things were about to get… Although COVID-19 has set us back from where we would’ve liked to be, it has also revealed to us all how vital care for our seniors is. It has prevented us from physically…
What Would You Do?
Deuteronomy 3:21-29 (NIV) Moses Forbidden to Cross the Jordan 21 At that time I commanded Joshua: “You have seen with your own eyes all that the Lord your God has done to these two kings. The Lord will do the same to all the kingdoms over there where you are going. 22 Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself will fight for you.” 23 At that time I pleaded with the Lord: 24 “Sovereign Lord, you…