Waiting, at times, can be one of the most frustrating and difficult assignments. Waiting for the small things – food that is late, service that is slow, people being late for a meeting – these often bring up moments of frustration! Waiting for the big things – waiting for a prodigal to return, waiting for a loved one to experience and receive the Love of God, waiting for our desires – trust can be a difficult assignment. No matter where…
Finding Peace Within Ourselves
Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Last week, my life group met for discipleship where we were covered the topic of emotional wholeness and healing. One point in particular stuck out to many of us about this topic, and it had to do with…
Refining Fasts
HOW IS IT JUNE ALREADY?! I do NOT understand how time can move so quickly and soooo sloooowly all at the same time. Whether or not I’m able to wrap my mind around it, here we are! The arrival of June means that summer is VERY close… and that many of you have completed the fasts you committed to in May! Well done 🙂 If you’re like me, you’ve wasted no time eagerly re-introducing, say, sugar, for example, to your…
Make Every Effort – Mind, Body, Spirit
I believe we have all come to know that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God. We know that it is the first and greatest commandment, yet how we do so is oftentimes the biggest challenge. As Paul once said it so eloquently, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”. Yesterday, Karyne spoke and shared how God has been teaching her how to love Him with her Mind, Body, and Spirit. Take a look at…
Ask, Allow and Listen
Dear LifeSpring Family, I seldom, no, I never have gotten a perfect score on any tests that I have taken in my academic life. But this past Sunday was an exception. When Pastor Gabe finished his mini-series sermon on humility, I thanked him. But I also told him that I have perfectly gotten all the wrong answers to his questions on how to identify pride in my life. As I meditated on Gabe’s devotion titled, Godly Humility to us this…
Who Do You Rely On?
After hearing Gabe preach on Growing in Humility, I had to ask God to search my heart and see if there was any pride in me that needed to be removed. As we grow in maturity, let us make every effort to grow in humility and to allow God to convict our hearts so that we may be teachable and receive whatever the Lord has for us. During my devotional time I was reading Numbers 20 and God was highlighting…
Godly Humility
Yesterday we concluded our mini series on humility. We looked at what Godly Humility is and we explored why the Bible tells us we need Humility. But most importantly, we looked at how we can Humble Ourselves. Go through the following 4 steps in learning how to grow in humility. It will take time, self reflection, and the power of the Holy Spirit. It will be difficult at times – but Lifespring, I ask that we Make Every Effort. First: we…
And then they waited…
This week in Kidz Harbour, I was telling everyone about Pentecost Sunday! About how, kinda like Christmas and Easter, there’s another really important day that we get to celebrate… an important day we need to remember! We talked about how strange it was that Jesus said he would be with his friends F O R E V E R and then he disappeared into the clouds! But of course, that’s not where the story ended. Because Jesus had also told…
Voicing complaints and God hears/sees
Dear LifeSpring Family, Hide Me from the WickedTo the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.64 Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint; preserve my life from dread of the enemy. 2 Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked, from the throng of evildoers, 3 who whet their tongues like swords, who aim bitter words like arrows, 4 shooting from ambush at the blameless, shooting at him suddenly and without fear. 5 They hold fast to their evil purpose;…
Grow In Humility
We can all agree that humility is something we all need. Yet, humility is something we often misunderstand. Much like character, humility is not something that we simply have – it is to be fought for, it is to be worked on. As a church family we want to Make Every Effort to grow in humility. Take a look at the key points in yesterday’s sermon. Did any resonate in your spirit? Did any cause a conviction? Ask God to…
Flowing Out as a Life Spring
Last Sunday, I had the chance to do a missions update about some of the organizations we’re supporting through our COVID-19 and missions budgets. OM works with the refugee community in Greece providing food, masks, carpets, and care packages for those who have had to flee their home countries. YWAM is working in Mumbai among the homeless and slum communities, providing ambulance services and groceries during the peak of the COVID crisis. Relentless Worship Ministry is providing food weekly to…
Genuine Care for Others
Last week during intercession, Peggy Leung led us in a time of prayer – asking God how we respond to social injustice. It seems like everyday there is a new scandal and something that is unjust. Whether it was the Black Lives Matter (BLM), Anti-Asian Hate (AAH), Systemic Abuse (SA), etc. – everyday there is something to be concerned about. As we sought the Lord on how to respond to these situations the Lord began to challenge me. He poked…