Who Is Shaping You?
We had another great privilege to hear from Samantha Tse, one of our Board of Directors and Deacon of Hope. Samantha has been part of the LifeSpring family for as long as I can remember and is truly a daughter and now a mother of the house. Thank you, Samantha, for your vulnerability. The presence of God was there, and I could sense a deep work that God was doing in you. As Samantha was speaking, I felt the Lord…
In this season of Patience Endurance, I’ve noticed that when things get difficult and situations and circumstances challenge my faith, I tend to use more “buts” in my prayers/conversations with the Lord. For example, “Lord you said this, but this happened.” “I hear what you’re saying, but if you would just make a way then.” Etc. I felt the Lord respond to me with an “and” after every concern I gave Him. After every worry and reason for doubt, I…
Five Wise and Five Foolish
It’s a pretty strange feeling to have an event you’ve planned for months and months finally be over, isn’t it?! Within just two weeks, both Family Weekend and our WildFire Retreat took place and I’m feeling a big mix of things… all of which seem to be undergirded with tired. Planning and preparing and organizing things can sometimes take so much out of us that we forget to save some energy for the event itself! We begin to zoom in…
It Takes A Family
During our Sunday Celebration last weekend, I had a chance to update the church family about some of the things that we’ve been involved in both locally and abroad. Last month, Arthur and Leona shared about their Thailand trip and the connections they made with the local people. They shared about a site in Chiang Klang that had limited access to a stable and clean water supply. This past week, four large plastic cisterns were delivered to this site that were…
The Whole LifeSpring Family
It was such an amazing time at the Family Weekend – so many gems, so many challenges, and yet so encouraged as we continue to walk this journey of faith together. Spending time with our speaker the entire week, there was a common thread that he kept mentioning in everything we did. He felt that no matter where he went and who he met, it always felt like family. Part of the Kingdom DNA God has put in the LifeSpring…
Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!
Dear LifeSpring Family, Wow!!! What a Family Weekend we all had at Redeemers University this past long weekend. We were affirmed, encouraged and challenged all at the same time. During the weekend the Lord brought Romans 12:4-8 to my attention. For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, 5 so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. 6 Having gifts that differ…
The Power Of Scripture
I have a confession to make. Sometimes, when I read the Bible, I don’t get anything from it. Have you read Leviticus and Numbers yet? If you have, maybe you might know what I mean. You might be wondering why I am telling you this. It’s not to deter you from reading the Bible, but to help you rethink what you are reading. If you are honest and haven’t reached maturity like myself, then you might have said these same…
Joyful In Hope, Patient In Affliction
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” – Romans 12:12 This weekend is our annual Family Weekend! We’ll be gathering from Saturday to Monday of the long weekend to seek God together as a church family. We look forward to seeing many of you there. As I think about this week leading up to Family Weekend, the verse from Romans 12:12 comes to mind. It begins with the encouragement to be joyful in hope. I’m personally joyful…
Seeing The Unseen
“Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. 2 So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!” 11 Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb 12 and…
Enough is Enough!
I’m not sure who needs to hear this… but sometimes it is possible for the next steps forward to be: SLEEP! Apparently when I was just a newborn, by mum was concerned and literally called the doctor to ask if something was wrong because I slept so much! After she confirmed that I was eating and… eliminating waste… like I needed to, the doctor chuckled and told my mom to be thankful because it sounded like she had a daughter…
Lord And God
There’s a worship song called “Hosanna in the Highest”. No, it’s not by Hillsong. It’s more upbeat and a song I heard in Mandarin on the weekend. As I was singing along and glancing at the lyrics, the line “Be exalted, oh Lord my God” stood out to me. In Mandarin, it goes 被高举,哦主我神 (Bèi gāo jǔ, ó zhǔ wǒ shén) Now, my Mandarin is not amazing. I knew there were quite a few words/phrases to refer to God in…
Water Springing Up To Life
We had the privilege of hearing yesterday from three different speakers – the Lee family, Ada, and Rodney – as they shared about some of the things that they’ve been involved in as part of the LifeSpring family. The Lee family shared about their mission trip to Thailand and the seven places they travelled, where they visited pastors, missionaries, children, and churches. Ada shared about prophetic ministry at LifeSpring and the growth that they’ve seen over the last several months. Rodney…