Annual Family Meeting (AFM)

Annual Family Meeting (AFM)

2020 & 2021 Finances
God is so good. In the midst of a pandemic year our tithes increased! We felt the Lord leading us to GIVE, before the pandemic. In being obedient no matter the circumstance, Lifespring gave a record ~40% of all spending was through our Missions & Hope ministries.

We continue to focus on being a blessing in 2021.

If you would like detailed documents of the 2020 & 2021 financial statements, please feel free to email and we can provide it.

Investment Committee
As Jerry shared, our funds have been giving a return of about 1.32% in a high interest savings account. When we embarked on the investment committee journey the conviction was to steward the finances in the best way we can. I (Gabe) feared the day I would stand before God and He would ask what I did with the finances he gave Lifespring. I don’t know what the funds will eventually turn into (building, social enterprise, give to the poor, etc.), but I believe we can now say that God we have done the best we could to invest the finances to expand your Kingdom.

Family Call
God has called us to be a Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God & Genuine Care for Others. He has shown us that in order to fulfill this call He requires that we grow to be the Huios (mature sons). In growing in maturity, the Scripture is clear – it requires perseverance, challenge, and trials.

To be entirely honest, this call is not for everyone. It is a difficult path. God measures our “growth” much different than we do. We often think of how much we can gain, God asks how much we can give. We try to be first, yet God tells us to be last.

We need to be a family that does not measure success the world measures it by, we need to be people that simply hear and obey the King as He speaks. Let us be a family that is sensitive to the guiding of His Holy Spirit – let us be a people that pursue the love of God with all of our hearts and let that love cause us to love others with all of our hearts as well.