Posts by Andrew Pubalasingam (Page 4)

Ancient Practices

I’d like to re-introduce to you one of the most rare and uncommon ancient practices that may drastically improve your life – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Some of you might have heard of it before and for others it may be a new concept. I am unsure of when its origin but it can probably be pinpointed to the time of B.C (Either Before Christ or Before Covid). The ancient practice I am referring to is the practice of…

The New

As we say “goodbye to summer” and “hello to fall,” I am reminded that when one season comes to an end another season begins. For some of us we might be going back to school, starting a new job, or even taking on new responsibilities and tasks. For others it might be taking a break, going on vacation or discovering something new.  For most people, starting something new always comes with challenges. I remember going through a busy season of…

Seek the Guide

After hearing Ryan’s message on Sunday, I was reminded of the importance of orienting yourself towards God. In order to go in the right direction you need to be facing the right way. One of the things that I’ve been learning to do is to Seek the Guide of my life rather than the Map of it. What I mean by that is, rather than trying to see where I need to go and trying to figure out how to…

Share YOUR Story

As many of you know by now, the theme of this year is Kingdom Parenting. Kingdom Parenting is not reserved for those who are parents but rather Kingdom Parenting is for those that want to genuinely love and care for others. One of the ways I believe Kingdom Parents can love and care for others is by sharing their experiences both good and bad. The scripture in Joel 1:2-3 (NLT) tells us: “2 Hear this, you leaders of the people.…

Hands On, Hands Near, Hands Off

As I think about all the tidbits of knowledge and wisdom that have been shared this past Family Weekend, I wonder how I can apply these things to my life today. There were many things that were caught this weekend but for the sake of time and space I will share one that stuck out to me. In the first Parenting Session, Brett talked about the progression of Parenting being: Hands on, Hands near and Hands off. It is a…


At our Wildfire Youth Retreat this past weekend, we taught on discovering your Spiritual Gifts, Core Values and Identity. It was a time where we could all come together and seek God for what He wants to say to us. As I was teaching about Identity, I felt like this lesson was not just for the Youth but a lesson for us all. In the world that we live in, our identity, if not found in Christ, can be easily…

The Power of God’s Love

Imagine you went out for dinner at a restaurant with a bunch of people you never met before and the person you sat across started making racial comments about your racial group to the people next to them. What would you do? How would you respond? As someone who is non-confrontational and a minimizer by nature, I can tell you that I’m not the type to escalate these types of situations. That does not mean that I won’t be upset…


In my addictions class, my professor made an interesting spin to a familiar quote. It goes like this: “You can lead a horse to the water but you can’t make it drink. But you can make the horse thirsty.” In the context of addiction counseling, my professor shared that we often spend countless hours and energy bringing people the information and tools necessary for change and treatment, in the hopes that they can use it and walk it out for…

Kingdom Parents Ought to Take Responsibility

On our journey to learning about Kingdom Parenting, I’ve discovered that one of the things that is necessary in becoming Kingdom Parents is to take responsibility. Life teaches us how to take responsibility in many ways. For example, Parents learn how to take responsibility for their children by providing for their needs like food, clothing and shelter. Students learn how to take responsibility by making sure that they do their homework and assignments. Working adults learn how to take responsibility…

If you can’t build wide, build up

After having a discussion with both my father in-law and my brother in law, I picked up on an unusual “gem” that they both shared in their respective fields that I thought was really deep. They both mentioned that some of their limitations in their respective fields is the lack of land and property available to build in order to expand. Being innovators, they both seemed to have come to similar conclusions. That is, when you can’t build wide, you…

History Books

In the old days when a king or emperor would take over a country/province, one of the first things they would do is burn their history books. If you took away their history books you would take away their past, their collective knowledge and ultimately their existence. The history books of a people group tell them about who they are, where they came from and what they went through to get to where they are today.The Bible is a prime…

The Call

This past Sunday we heard from Pastor John Park of Compassion Canada. He shared that he sponsors 4 children from 4 different countries with the goal of not only being a beacon of hope in their lives and providing tangible support but also that one day he would get a call saying that they no longer needed his support anymore. This idea of receiving a call that the person you have been sponsoring no longer needs your help is bittersweet.…