Posts by Gabriel Wee (Page 11)

Faith: Part 2

Hebrews 11:6 Without faith it is impossible to please God… What is Faith?  Kingdom Faith is hope and assurance that something will happen, though we cannot see it. Kingdom Faith is trusting the one making the promise Kingdom Faith comes from hearing God Kingdom Faith demands obedience Kingdom Faith ventures out though it cannot see Kingdom faith knows that prayer is essential Kingdom faith submits in obedience Kingdom faith pleases God Personally, faith was always just a big word Christians…

Faith: Part 1

What is Faith? It is a term we use in our walk with the Lord, we know that it is important… but do we actually know what Kingdom Faith means? Hebrews 11:6Without faith it is impossible to please God… As a church family – in our call to maturity – it will be impossible without Faith! We must throw off wrong understanding and begin to know and recognize true Kingdom Faith. This week we will explore some misconceptions and next…

God’s Dwelling

There was a place in the times of David called Naioth. It was home to prophets and prophets in training. The literal meaning of Naioth is God’s dwelling. David was a man whom God loved, yet David was a man who faced great trials throughout his entire life. He was rejected as a youth, was a victim of attempted murder in his adult years, and even a victim of adultery in his senior years. Yet the bible says that David…

Make Every Effort in Praise

Yesterday capped off three amazing women from the Lifespring family. Karyne spoke on Making Every Effort to Love God, Leona spoke on Waiting, and finally Rebecca spoke on Making Every Effort to Praise God. Psalm 145:1-2I will exalt you, my God the King;I will praise your name for ever and ever.Every day I will praise youand extol your name for ever and ever As Rebecca taught us yesterday, praise is not a feeling, it is a choice. As David teaches…


Waiting, at times, can be one of the most frustrating and difficult assignments. Waiting for the small things – food that is late, service that is slow, people being late for a meeting – these often bring up moments of frustration! Waiting for the big things – waiting for a prodigal to return, waiting for a loved one to experience and receive the Love of God, waiting for our desires – trust can be a difficult assignment. No matter where…

Make Every Effort – Mind, Body, Spirit

I believe we have all come to know that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God. We know that it is the first and greatest commandment, yet how we do so is oftentimes the biggest challenge. As Paul once said it so eloquently, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”. Yesterday, Karyne spoke and shared how God has been teaching her how to love Him with her Mind, Body, and Spirit. Take a look at…

Godly Humility

Yesterday we concluded our mini series on humility. We looked at what Godly Humility is and we explored why the Bible tells us we need Humility. But most importantly, we looked at how we can Humble Ourselves. Go through the following 4 steps in learning how to grow in humility. It will take time, self reflection, and the power of the Holy Spirit. It will be difficult at times – but Lifespring, I ask that we Make Every Effort. First: we…

Grow In Humility

We can all agree that humility is something we all need. Yet, humility is something we often misunderstand. Much like character, humility is not something that we simply have – it is to be fought for, it is to be worked on. As a church family we want to Make Every Effort to grow in humility. Take a look at the key points in yesterday’s sermon. Did any resonate in your spirit? Did any cause a conviction? Ask God to…

Genuine Care for Others

Last week during intercession, Peggy Leung led us in a time of prayer – asking God how we respond to social injustice. It seems like everyday there is a new scandal and something that is unjust. Whether it was the Black Lives Matter (BLM), Anti-Asian Hate (AAH), Systemic Abuse (SA), etc. – everyday there is something to be concerned about. As we sought the Lord on how to respond to these situations the Lord began to challenge me. He poked…


This world is in need of Kindness. Simple acts in the hands of a powerful God can make great and lasting impact. Last year, Lifespring sowed $20,000 into the Greece refugee camps through Operation Mobilization. Please take time to read the fruit of this act of kindness. If you are strong at this time – carry another. If you are weak at this time – its ok – ask for help. But in everything, be kind.

Annual Family Meeting (AFM)

2020 & 2021 FinancesGod is so good. In the midst of a pandemic year our tithes increased! We felt the Lord leading us to GIVE, before the pandemic. In being obedient no matter the circumstance, Lifespring gave a record ~40% of all spending was through our Missions & Hope ministries. We continue to focus on being a blessing in 2021. If you would like detailed documents of the 2020 & 2021 financial statements, please feel free to email and…

Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God, Genuine Care for Others

Having Donna come speak to the Lifespring family is always such a blessing. There are so many “nuggets” of gold (words of wisdom) as she speaks and in doing so we will all be encouraged and challenged in some way. As Donna was sharing yesterday, I felt the Holy Spirit focus my attention on what I believe God wants to build up in the house of Lifespring. In 2019 – Wanda Foss helped to put words into what we already…