Posts by Gabriel Wee (Page 12)

Grow in Empathy

This week during intercession, I had a vision that resonated deep in my spirit, something that I believe is a correction from the Lord and something I believe we as a family need to take heed. Months back, I felt like God had put a bubble of protection around the Lifespring family. Like in the days of Egypt, though the plagues ravaged the land and Egyptians, the people of Israel were protected. By the grace of God, Lifespring has been…

Grow in the Fear of the Lord – Part 2

Yesterday we continued the series on Growing in the Fear of the Lord. We looked at WHO is expected to fear the Lord. Nations are Expected to Fear the LordGod loves nations so much that He is willing to correct them when they are on the wrong path. He does so, not heavy handed, but progressively and with patience. He will send prophets to warn of dangers ahead and He will even send natural and economic disasters to get our…

Grow in the Fear of the Lord

As Lifespring journeys in maturity, we will begin to learn and experience aspects of God that are sometimes new or uncomfortable. The fear of the Lord is one of those things. As a church family we have been entrenched and inundated with the Father’s Heart – thank God for that! But I believe as we continue to mature, we need to know, understand, and apply a Godly fear of the Lord in this house. What is the Fear of the Lord? First: It…

Walk Away or Make A Way

Acts 6:1-5In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full…

How to Persevere

The last 2 weeks we have talked Why we need to persevere and How to Persevere. The emphasis in both is that maturity requires perseverance. The calling God has for the house of Lifespring requires perseverance. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus and run the race… all the way until the end. Consider the cloud of witnessesSometimes we take privilege and spit on it. We need to recognize that we have truly been blessed. When much is given, much…

2020 Year in Review

At the start of 2020 we sought the Lord and felt Him put on our hearts the 3 Gs. Give, Go, Grow. As a church we set our plans in alignment with these directions and God directed our steps along the way. Corporately as a church family we wanted to be intentional about the 3 Gs. God was speaking to us and it was our job to follow his guidance. However, like the people of Israel who had to paint…

Merry Christmas!

Christmas has always been my favourite day and time of the year. Who doesn’t love coming together with loved ones, sharing gifts, eating food, playing games, and all the memories we create laughing with one another. I’ve always known Christmas as the time we celebrate Jesus’ birthday, but admittedly, with all the lights, food, and fun the focus really has not been on Jesus. We celebrate Him by saying a prayer before eating – but once that is done… Christmas…

Make Every Effort (2021)

Over the past 2 years, God has been taking us on the following journey: 2019: Intimacy (3 Ps – Prayer (Persona), Prayer (Corporate), Prayer (Earnest)) 2020: Maturity (3 Gs – Give, Go, Grow) As we look to 2021, this is what we felt the Lord put on our hearts. 2021: Make Every Effort God continues to call the Lifespring family to be the Huios (mature sons). We have seen tremendous victories in hearing God and growth in the spirit. But…

Make Every Effort (2021)

Over the past 2 years, God has been taking us on the following journey: 2019: Intimacy (3 Ps – Prayer (Persona), Prayer (Corporate), Prayer (Earnest)) 2020: Maturity (3 Gs – Give, Go, Grow) As we look to 2021, this is what we felt the Lord put on our hearts. 2021: Make Every Effort God continues to call the Lifespring family to be the Huios (mature sons). We have seen tremendous victories in hearing God and growth in the spirit. But…

Guard Against the Trap of Money, Sex, & Power

Day after day you can read about people in the world who fall to the temptations of Money, Sex, & Power. But before we cast judgment on others, we need to be humble enough to recognize that we (the church) are also susceptible and at times look no different than the world outside. Here at Lifespring we are called to be the Huios (mature sons) and as we mature we need to vigorously contend to be part of the solution…

Pray Today

Sometimes God asks us to go to the ends of the earth, sometimes He asks us to serve, sometimes He wants us to lay our lives down. Sometimes God wants us to be still… and to pray. Last week I was reminded of how the Israelites were protected in a time of plagues. Though there was hail, locusts, blood, and even first born deaths – Israel was protected. It was not because Israel planned or prepared correctly – it was…

Align with God’s Purposes in Your Suffering & Trials Part 2

This past Sunday we continued our series on suffering. Below are 4 additional purposes in suffering – its not a formula – but sometimes God needs to get our attention or adjust our character for the assignment he truly has for us. Take a moment and read through the 4 purposes. Just prayerfully ask the Lord to speak to you as you read it – to grab your spirit’s attention if He wants to speak to you through it. Purpose…