Posts by Gabriel Wee (Page 4)
Patient Endurance: Worship & Prayer
As I was studying Matthew 26, I felt like the Lord was highlighting 2 important aspects of Patient Endurance. The context and setting of this chapter is dark and dreary. It is the moments leading up to Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion. It is the Last Supper and over and over again, Jesus is telling his disciples that his life would be forfeit and that there is a traitor amongst them. In the midst of this great challenge, what did Jesus…
Purpose 2023: Kingdom Parenting
When we talk about Kingdom Parenting we are trying to raise the huios (mature sons). Fully complete, lacking nothing. When we look at the ultimate mature son, Jesus Christ – we see a man who was raised and became a huios. He was one who did not just hear – He listened well and obeyed quickly. When we talk about Kingdom Parenting – it is not just biological children, it is the people God puts before us and care for.…
We had the wonderful privilege of having Pastor Alvin speak to the church family this past Sunday (watch it here). Pastor Alvin and Aunty Patricia continue to demonstrate to the Lifespring Family what it means to Genuinely Love God and Genuinely Care for Others – it was through their conviction that Lifespring was able to be a part of the Refugee Dinner hosted this past Saturday. This entire weekend I felt the Lord highlighting the word COMPASSION in my spirit. And as Pastor…
Purpose 2024 – Patient Endurance
As an Eldership & Pastoral Team, we sought the Lord and felt God put “Patient Endurance” on our hearts. In the world we live in today, the expectation and the norm are instant gratification. Whatever we want, whatever we need – it is available the same day and at worst, the next day. And although this has made life convenient, sometimes – oftentimes – the ways of the world are not the ways of God. … this calls for patient…
Kingdom Parenting: Prayer
Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature, and fully assured. Colossians 4:12 A measure of Kingdom maturity is prayer. If you consider yourself mature in the faith, the first thing to check is your prayer life. One of the most dangerous things in this world is when a child believes they are an adult.…
Kingdom Parenting: Provision & Care
Every time we talk about Kingdom Parenting, I want to make it very clear: Kingdom Parenting is best shown through the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the greatest parent that this world has ever seen, yet he had NO physical children of His own. As a Kingdom Parent to his disciples, he raised disciples that would change the entire world. Kingdom Parenting happens everywhere – not just at home. Provision Now I am ready to visit you for the…
Kingdom Parenting – Parents
It seems obvious, but to really dive into Kingdom Parenting, we need to look at the parents. To truly grow in this call, I believe the secret is found in the greatest commandment. Matthew 22:36-39 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself The Kingdom secret is subtle here: the measure in…
Faithful Brother
The Lifespring family is indeed blessed. Dr. Siang Yang Tan has published 17 books, been a pastor since 1983, and was even in charge of Fuller Seminary’s counselling department. With such a resume, any church would be happy to have him minister to them. Yet, even with a resume like his – the greatest gift Siang-Yang brings to the family of Lifespring is friendship, fellowship, and genuine care for Lifespring. He genuinely cares for this family. As Siang-Yang was speaking,…
Can’t Just Means Won’t
It was another incredible Sunday having Donna Parachin come and speak to the Lifespring family. As always, she released so much – please, if you missed it, watch the sermon here: Numbers 13 Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites… Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” But the men who had gone up…
Wisdom, Stature, and Favour with God & Man
Luke 2:52And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man This is a prayer I speak over my children every night. That they would grow in wisdom, stature, and in favour with God and man. Jesus had to grow in these things – and so do we. Wisdom Imparting wisdom to our children is one of the main assignments as Kingdom parents. What is wisdom? Wisdom is the application of God’s Word to daily life.…
Prepare, then Flow
Something Donna Parachin taught me early in ministry was to do everything I can to prepare for what lies ahead, but in the moment if the Lord leads you elsewhere, then simply flow with Him. To do otherwise, would be to try to swim against the current, or push back the waves. Yesterday, I saw this in action in the entire Sunday Celebration and in the testimonies that were shared throughout: Noah & Florence shared that they felt the Lord…
Here at Lifespring we are so blessed to be able to hear and listen from so many. People and families putting their ears to the Lord and leaning into Him. This Sunday we had a word from a new elder, Rodney Lau. Rodney alongside his wife Ada and children Zoey, Rylie, and Evynne have served faithfully at Lifespring for many years. We thank God for them. As Rodney was speaking on Sunday, there were so many gems that could be…