Posts by Laura Puiras (Page 4)
Will You Make Room?
It’s one thing to sing along to a catchy worship song about agreeing to “Make Room” for God and it’s another thing, entirely, to truly surrender ourselves to whatever it is that God is directing us towards… In Jeremiah 29, we read about a letter that is sent from Jeremiah (aka, from God) to the people of Israel who had been exiled from Jerusalem to Babylon. When you imagine the relief of hearing directly from God in a place of…
Will You Make Room?
It’s one thing to sing along to a catchy worship song about agreeing to “Make Room” for God and it’s another thing, entirely, to truly surrender ourselves to whatever it is that God is directing us towards… In Jeremiah 29, we read about a letter that is sent from Jeremiah (aka, from God) to the people of Israel who had been exiled from Jerusalem to Babylon. When you imagine the relief of hearing directly from God in a place of…
Breath Prayers
Lately in KidzHarbour as we’ve been working our way through a curriculum called Abide, we’ve been learning about how we can respond in scary situations. Sometimes when we feel overwhelmed or anxious, just like when we feel scared, we can make decisions that aren’t actually the best for us. They help us out by giving us the acronym STAR, which stands for: Stop! Don’t try to fix anything Take a deep breath and calm down Appreciate and connect with Jesus…
Good Friday
Rather than writing out my own thoughts about Good Friday or trying to come up with a genius new way to talk about how Jesus needed to lose his life in order for us to gain True Life… I want to encourage all of you to check out the Scripture passages in the Gospels that outline for us what took place. Take your time as you read through them and pay attention to the parts that stand out to you.…
Playing the Fool
I began reading/listening to a new book about prayer called Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton and despite only being a few chapters in, it’s already been such a source of encouragement! Prayer is something that shaped him as a 12-year-old when he prayed through his grade 8 yearbook. He would go to his school at 6:30 in the morning and pray through his class, name by name. The small Bible Study he launched at his school…
“Take Account”
Every now and then, I sense the Lord reminding me to, “Take account”. And this used to seriously freak me out. Because as soon as I heard God saying this, I figured I had done something wrong! Maybe I had splurged on one too many bubble teas, maybe I had spent too much time watching Netflix … no matter which area of my life God was about to begin speaking into, I automatically assumed I had done something wrong and…
Satisfied or Stagnant?
An interesting theme has been catching my attention lately… and of course, as the writer of Ecclesiastes would like to remind us all, “There is nothing new under the sun”. And even though I know in my mind that what I’m observing isn’t anything new at all, the epiphany has been so deeply moving that if it had a smell, it would be that of a new car or the spring garden just after winter; it would look like a…
Back to Life
The past few weeks have been interesting, weather-wise… it seems like we’ve had unexpectedly warm weather, blizzards, beautifully sunny days and rain?! As the most recent thaw has taken place and the grass has begun to reappear, although I know there will be more snow and that this is not yet the end of winter, it’s been a helpful reminder that spring will return once again. This song has been an encouraging one for me lately and I’m hoping it…
Seeking First the Kingdom
As we’ve been praying about and exploring our 2023 church theme of Kingdom Parenting, I sensed the Lord offering me a gentle reminder. Rather than zeroing in on what it means to become Kingdom Parents, I needed to remember to shift my focus back to the Kingdom of God. In Matthew 6, Jesus instructed and equipped the people to pray to “Our Father”. That same Father in Heaven to whom we have been taught to pray to, is the same…
No More Numbing Out
Hey Lifespring Fam! Check-in Time… We are thirteen days into this January Church Fast … we’ve nearly hit the two-week mark!! How’re we all doin’? Obviously, we can’t actually talk about it like this, but I’m willing to bet there are loads of different responses out there to that one, little question. I know for me, just within my own experience, I’m having lots of different responses: ONLY T W O W E E K S IN?! 😩 How much…
I’ve been discovering that my new favourite thing about the Heart of God is the all-encompassing desire and promise to redeem all things. In different seasons of my life I’ve clung to different parts of God’s character… after heart breaks and relationships ending, I would rely entirely on the faithfulness of God; Jesus promised to never leave or forsake us!! In times of increased stress and literal failures in school, I learned about and appreciated the grace, forgiveness and mercy…
Bottling Up Joy
A friend of mine was sharing some really exciting news with me and she said that she felt like her whole self was cheerful! She’s been seeing God do really extraordinary things in her work life and the more she shared about this cheerfulness, the more I began to realize that what she is experiencing is the joy of the Lord… I was amazed because it sounds like she is truly getting to experience a portion of the joy…