Posts by Laura Puiras (Page 8)
Anybody else out there feeling a little bit restless lately? Often restlessness happens when you’re in the middle of waiting for something… I’ve heard that, although maybe you’re not feeling quite so sick, the final weeks of pregnancy can be the worst! Women feeling tired of carrying around so much extra weight and discomfort for nearly nine months would do that! But I think one of the things that makes restlessness so frustrating for us, is that even though we’re…
Jireh by Elevation & Maverick City has been looping through my brain for the last few weeks. Every time I listen to it, I feel like the Lord reveals new layers throughout! It’s filled with references to Scripture that bring comfort and build up faith; God reveals areas in my life where I need to be growing in trust as I release “control” of them; my true identity in Christ is called out; layers upon layers of God’s love and…
No Such Thing As Too Early
Is anybody else out there already starting to Christmas-ify their home?? I’m really hoping it’s not just me… 😅 It feels like I am especially early this year. I don’t have a tree up yet but the decorations and festive soap fragrances are slowly beginning to sneak their way in. And I am here for it! In times of darkness, like the new 5:00 pm (thanks Daylight Savings) and in times of waiting… having something to look forward to, something…
Safe Spaces
“Therefore, let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. I am convinced, being fully persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for that person it is unclean. If your brother or sister is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do…
A Kairos Moment
I keep coming back to kairos time versus chronos time lately… Even in writing this devotional, it’s taken f o r e v e r to write. I’ve been thinking about it and praying about it for literal days and not until half an hour before my alarm did I suddenly wake up with everything clicking into place. As annoying as it has been, I can see how the Lord was using this moment as another practical lesson/teaching moment for…
National Day of Truth and Reconciliation
We have a really beautiful opportunity to collectively put into practice what Pastor Gabe preached about on Sunday! As we learn more about what it means for us to be part of God’s Family and to be a Kingdom Family at LifeSpring, we are learning about the importance of our families being places of learning. And who knew we would have a chance to apply this teaching to our lives so soon?! Tomorrow, September 30th, Canada will be celebrating the…
Lightning and the Thunder
Have you seen the lightning lately?! I’ve started going for walks in the evening with the friends I live with and the last few nights we have been seeing these incredible lightning displays. Last night we decided to stop and enjoy it! We sat on a park bench and watched the clouds light up with mysterious streaks of lightning somewhere far behind them. We ooohed and aaahed as if we were watching a fireworks show and, honestly, it sort of…
His Faithfulness Endures Forever
Happy September everyone!! It seems a little silly to always be surprised when we find ourselves at the beginning of another new season… but for some reason, I still cannot believe it’s already September!? It feels like August just began!! I suppose this feeling of surprise doesn’t come so much from the fact that the seasons are changing, but more so about how quickly they seem to change. On the first day of grade 9 English, Mr. Collins told our…
Cocktail of Shame vs. Bottomless Kindness
Have you ever felt like you’re not quite good enough? Like, just about anyone on this big old planet is better qualified or confident or whatever-it-may-be, than you? Earlier this week I was feeling especially discouraged. I felt out of sorts and not like myself at all. There were moments when the problem wasn’t even that I “wasn’t myself” …it was more like I didn’t even know who “myself” was; like something was missing. And it was! Somewhere along the…
Updates Required
A number of year ago the Lord used my cell phone to give me a valuable object lesson. Nothing seemed to be working properly and there were bizarre glitches taking place that I couldn’t seem to clear? (Does one clear a glitch…?) Anyway, after trying to delete pictures and old text messages, I realized that my phone needed to go through a series of updates. I had seen – and ignored – the notifications. Reminders were a nuisance until there…
As the people of God we know that we have been called to be a blessing to those around us. At LifeSpring especially we continue to return to this Kingdom reality: We are blessed to be a blessing! While we often refer back to God’s initial call to Abraham (Genesis 12) and the covenant they formed together – the same promises that continue to bind us to the Lord – Jesus also taught about what it means to be blessed.…
Flesh & Blood
We’re five days post-Donna’s Sunday sermon and, if you’re like me, you’re still digesting parts of it… and will be for a while yet! This week has definitely held many challenging conversations and next-level frustrations. You’d think I would’ve seen them coming, eh?! After taking in a sermon like the one we heard from Donna, it should truly not come as a surprise for many of the things she spoke about to be front and centre in the days following.…