Posts by Rodney Lau

Walking a Christian Life

Sometimes, being a Christian and following Christ can seem challenging. After all, being a Christian doesn’t mean we are exempt from the challenges in life. We still face the same struggles everyone else faces, whether it be stresses from school or work, relationships that are demanding or in conflict, or medical situations whether it be your own or your loved ones. It is easy during these times to focus on our own situation and not on who our Creator is.…

Making Every Effort through Trials

James 1:2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Trials are a regular part of being a Christian. The bible indicates time and time again that trials, tribulations and temptations will come. Before Jesus started his ministry, He came face-to-face with Satan and was tested by him, and this was right after a 40 day fast! It is God’s way of building…