Devotions (Page 18)

Prepare, then Flow

Something Donna Parachin taught me early in ministry was to do everything I can to prepare for what lies ahead, but in the moment if the Lord leads you elsewhere, then simply flow with Him. To do otherwise, would be to try to swim against the current, or push back the waves. Yesterday, I saw this in action in the entire Sunday Celebration and in the testimonies that were shared throughout: Noah & Florence shared that they felt the Lord…

The New

As we say “goodbye to summer” and “hello to fall,” I am reminded that when one season comes to an end another season begins. For some of us we might be going back to school, starting a new job, or even taking on new responsibilities and tasks. For others it might be taking a break, going on vacation or discovering something new.  For most people, starting something new always comes with challenges. I remember going through a busy season of…

Body of Christ in LifeSpring

Dear LifeSpring Family, This past Sunday, Dorothy and I were blessed to be a part of our LifeSpring family in Mississauga. While worshipping with our sisters and brothers, the Holy Spirit led me to read Psalms 92:13-15 aloud to them.  “13  They are planted in the house of the LORD; they flourish in the courts of our God. 14  They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, 15  to declare that the LORD is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.” From the multi-generational worship team to the ladies who put on an unbelievable dinner spread, the whole body of Christ was on display. I was even surprised to hear that Pastor Eric added to his long…


Here at Lifespring we are so blessed to be able to hear and listen from so many. People and families putting their ears to the Lord and leaning into Him. This Sunday we had a word from a new elder, Rodney Lau. Rodney alongside his wife Ada and children Zoey, Rylie, and Evynne have served faithfully at Lifespring for many years. We thank God for them. As Rodney was speaking on Sunday, there were so many gems that could be…

From There to Here

I dunno about you, but I have been finding SO much comfort this past week knowing that lots of people are right dab-smack in the middle of transitional seasons as well! During our service on Sunday, the theme of transitions kept coming up. It was very encouraging just to hear other people acknowledging/addressing similar times in their own lives!! As a church we’ve had loads of changes take place in our Board of Directors, in our Deacons, in our LifeGroups…

All Things Work Together

Have you ever had one of those days where things unexpectedly work out really well? For me, it wasn’t exactly one day, but the days leading up to the first day of BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). This year, our study would be fully in-person at a church, and while I prefer in-person to online gatherings, I didn’t have a ride and busing down would be a hassle. To top it off, I had forgotten about BSF starting in September, so I…

Yasa Amad

It was such a wonderful privilege to hear from the Chair of the Board of Directors, Leona Lee. Leona has faithfully served for many years. Her family is a blessing to this house – with all of their gifts, talents, and skills… yet the greatest blessing they bring is their humility. They carry a God-given transparency and willingness to grow in the Lord – thank you Lee family – Lifespring is better for having your family amongst us. As Leona…

Run the Race with Perseverance

John 15:4-6“Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. Whoever does not abide in me is thrown away like a branch and withers; such branches are gathered, thrown into…

The BSF 4-fold method of studying God’s word

Dear LifeSpring Family As another school year starts, it is also the start of another Bible Study Fellowship year. This year we will be studying the book of John in the bible. Recently I received a welcome email from our Men’s BSF leader, reminding me of the BSF 4-fold method of studying God’s word as shown below.  “The BSF 4-fold method of studying God’s word.  First, through the daily teaching from the Holy Spirit as you complete the daily questions on your questions…

The Parable of the Loving Father

In Luke 15:11-32 Jesus tells this story to the people he was with about a man with two sons. That story, or parable, has come to be known as The Prodigal Son, or The Parable of the Lost Son, or The Parable of the Prodigal Son and His Brother… Sometimes I think the readers and listeners of this well-known Jesus Story, focus so much on that younger, selfish and reckless child or the grumpy and/or relatable attitude problem of the…

Seek the Guide

After hearing Ryan’s message on Sunday, I was reminded of the importance of orienting yourself towards God. In order to go in the right direction you need to be facing the right way. One of the things that I’ve been learning to do is to Seek the Guide of my life rather than the Map of it. What I mean by that is, rather than trying to see where I need to go and trying to figure out how to…


Last week, I went camping with my family and some friends for a few days. I enjoyed most of it, but there was one day where it rained pretty heavily the whole day, which ruined our plans to go on a hike and check out the programs/activities in the park, so we spent the day at our friends’ yurt. I thought, “This is not ideal AT ALL.” However, I realized that ideals are our (often unrealistic) ideas of a “perfect…