Christ Our Advocate

Christ Our Advocate

Dear LifeSpring Family,

I have been trying to keep up with the young ones on the pastoral team in the area of scripture memory. It has not been an easy task. Dorothy has been my biggest and sadly, only cheerleader. She does not use Google calendar or for that matter, any written or electronic calendar. She remembers every appointment mentally in her head. So when I commented that I will be a good team player and memorize scripture along with the pastoral team, she was delighted. Commenting that it will be good for me to exercise my aging brain. She is absolutely right.

One of my more recent scripture memory verse 1 John 2:1:

"My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."

The tenderness that John writes to us is reflected by his opening remark, “My little children…” The Apostle John and God the Father expect the best for us and that we live a life without sin and therefore, without the curse. But Apostle John and God know that until our Lord Jesus’ second coming, we live in a fallen state. That is why there is the “But….” How reassuring it is to our hearts, souls, and minds to know that when we sin, we all have an Advocate with the Righteous Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous.

We Have An Advocate, Jesus Christ The Righteous!!!