Did I Get Taller?

Every year in the Wee household we stand all the kids against the wall and see how much they have grown over the past year. It is always followed with screams and shouts of excitement, “Did I get taller”?!

What I found most interesting is that the entire year they were all getting taller, but only when they stood by their measurements were they excited to see how much they have grown.

Like these little kids, we too can get lost in life – not realizing or being excited about how much we have actually grown. We focus so much on what is in front of us, what is behind us, what challenges we may face… we forget to stop, measure, and recognize that we have grown a little taller.

I feel like God wants the church family to take time to reflect on where you were BEFORE the pandemic and where you are TODAY. How have you grown in the Lord?

Do you hate sin more today than you did before?
Do you pray more today than you did before?
Are your thoughts more on God than it was before?
Have you had more victories over sin than you have before?
Can you hear God clearer today than before?
Have you grown in loving God and loving others more than before?

Maybe… just maybe… you are a little bit taller. That is worth getting excited over.

Life in the Kingdom of God is not about avoiding challenge, it is about going through them with the power of the Holy Spirit – learning day by day and step by step what it means to live lives worthy of the King. As an eldership and pastoral team we love you and are cheering you on! Better yet though, Jesus Himself – the advocate – is cheering you on!

I hear the Father saying what I scream to my kids when they ask, “Did I get taller”? I always respond with, “LOOK! YOU GOT TALLER!!!!”

Take a moment in Listening Prayer and ask God, “Did I get taller”?