Don’t put the shovel down

Don’t put the shovel down

This week our devos have all been flowing out of the message Donna preached on Sunday and today’s is no different!

There were so many parts that challenged me, encouraged my heart and strengthened my spirit as she taught us.  One of the parts that struck me the most and has been helpful for me even throughout this past week was this one:

“Don’t put the shovel down because of offence.

Don’t put the shovel down because we hit a moment of challenge
or doubt or antagonizing…
We’re going to keep on going.”

In the same way that each of us have been created uniquely with very specific combinations of things that bring us joy or lead us into wonder, we also have unique sets of setbacks.

For some people it doesn’t matter what anybody says, ever… words simply can’t bring them down! But if you give them the wrong look at the wrong time? Devastation.

Some people might be able to press on no matter what happens in their family but when they consider the difficulties going on around the world, discouragement of another depth begins to settle within them.

It’s important for each of us to be aware of the things that can bring us down easier than the other things. Not so that we dwell on them or glorify them or give them some kind of pretend power over us! But so that we can bring them before Jesus, time and time and time again.

When we’re aware of our weaknesses and struggles and we’re choosing to bring them to the Lord instead of giving up altogether, we are choosing to keep going.

When we set our minds on heavenly things and choose to have our minds transformed by Jesus rather than conforming to the ways of the world, we are choosing to keep going.

When we share our struggles and choose vulnerability that leads to extra supports, we are choosing to keep going.

When we are doing really well and are able to offer a helping hand, we are choosing to strengthen a brother or sister as they choose to keep going.

We are called to be family and we have seen the transformational beauty of being brought into a Kingdom Family for ourselves! And we get to continue sharing that and receiving that and then sharing it some more as we all choose to keep going, together.

So let us choose to hold on to our shovels.

To deal with the offence rather than to throw in the towel.
To not let doubt or fear or challenges knock us out.
To reach out for help if the shovel is feeling unbearably heavy.

Father, I thank you for never, ever expecting us to do life alone.
Thank you for never leaving us and for sending your Spirit to be with us always.
Thank you for setting 
all of us in this Kingdom Family – for making a special place for each of us.

Thank you for our times of strength when we get to empower and build others up.

Thank you for our times of weakness when we get to receive the love and support being given.

Thank YOU for ultimately holding us together in your love…
May we become ever more aware of your presence with us
as we choose to hold onto our shovels and keep going.
