Eyes on Jesus

Everything around us is changing… again. We have entered another lockdown, winter is upon us, children are at home for school, we are back to work – there is much that draws and needs our attention. Sometimes we focus so much on what is happening around us we forget to keep our eyes on Jesus.

Karyne and I were talking to our eldest children (Justus & Hope) about fasting, they asked us why we are fasting? So we asked them, “What are the 3 most important parts of your life? What is it that you love”? Hope immediately came up with the following: Barbie, Dresses, & Mommy/Daddy. Justus followed up with: Video Games, Spider-Man & Friends.

These are all nice blessings and nothing wrong with them, but we took the opportunity to remind them of a church memory verse:

Matthew 22:36-39
Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.

Jesus teaches us that He alone should be number 1 on the list. Not Barbie, not Video Games, not even Mommy/Daddy. When things are great (Christmas celebrations), when things are rough (lockdowns, being sick), it seems that Jesus is always pushed down the list. He goes from 1, to top 5, top 10, sometimes not even top 100.

We have asked the Lifespring family to fast for the month of January. Fasting is a spiritual discipline and spiritual warfare – it is not easy. In fact Jesus was tempted by Satan at His time of fasting. As a church family, let us fast and take it seriously. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus and bring Him back to #1 to start this year off. Let us do this For His Name’s Sake.

Father, help us as we continue to grow and mature in our walk with you. Whether we are trying fasting for the 1st time or it has become part of our regular routine, let us be people that put you back as #1.

As I was writing this devotion I just felt the Lord want to encourage us – keeping our eyes and focus on God allows the Holy Spirit to empower us through His Holy Spirit in our inner most being. For His Name’s Sake is not how good we can be, For His Name’s Sake is about how freely the Spirit can move within us.

Love you Lifespring.