Flesh & Blood

We’re five days post-Donna’s Sunday sermon and, if you’re like me, you’re still digesting parts of it… and will be for a while yet!

This week has definitely held many challenging conversations and next-level frustrations. You’d think I would’ve seen them coming, eh?!

After taking in a sermon like the one we heard from Donna, it should truly not come as a surprise for many of the things she spoke about to be front and centre in the days following.

In Wednesday’s devotion, Andrew reminded us of the importance of putting on the full armour of God! And today I’d like to remind you who it is that you’re fighting… rather, who it is that you’re not fighting.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Facing some of those challenging conversations would have often left me in spirals of self-doubt or anxiety… but this week, although I still wrestle with those things, something has shifted.

There were a few times that I physically straightened back my shoulders, readjusted my posture and reminded myself of the God I serve and my identity as his daughter. As I reminded myself of these things, I also reminded myself that the person in front of me (whether physically or in emails) is also a child of God. A flesh and blood, child of God.

Therefore, they are NOT my enemy!!

Let me repeat that for the people in the back…

Our family members, our friends, our co-workers and the strangers around us ARE NOT OUR ENEMIES.

The powers and spiritual forces of evil are those which wage war upon us.

Of course, that is much harder to wrap our minds around and so it’s easier to blame the people around us – it’s easier to have an enemy we can see. However, when we choose to make people the enemy – even when they’ve hurt us deeply and we have every reason to be upset! – we side with the powers and principalities of darkness.

Ultimately, especially within churches and families, the Spirit of Division loves to have its way. Through miscommunications and misunderstandings, the Spirit of Division sneaks its way further and further into our hearts. Our wounds begin to get infected as we blame others or play their hurtful actions through our mind over and over and over again.

And as we direct our anger, righteous anger even, at the people behind the hate, the Spirit of Division advances and wins over more territory for the enemy. Strengthening strongholds that affect us more than the things we can see.

LifeSpring, the Good News is that the schemes and ploys of the enemy have been unveiled and are continually being exposed as the Light of Jesus shines! The Good News is that these powers and principalities do NOT get the last word! The Good News is that we are more than conquerors through Christ!! The Good News is that the Spirit of the Living God – far greater and far more powerful than any powerful force we may face in this life – is living within us.

So raise your gaze and look up! Get those shoulders back and set your eyes ahead.

Shake it off, heck, dance it out!

Remember the God you serve and that you are his precious, more-than-a-conqueror child.

God, it is SO easy to be distracted and blindsided by the things that are going on around us! It can be so easy to blame the people in our lives rather than extending forgiveness and understanding to them. We really need your help.

Holy Spirit, we ask that you would soften our hearts to the people around us. Remind us that the hurt and anger we experience is the result of the forces of darkness… more sinister than any human being. Help us remember that we are flesh and blood and that we are, therefore, on the same team!

May we make advancements against the forces of darkness with your Light shining around us and within us, Jesus!

 May we be reminded, as often as we need, that we are more than conquerors through you!

We want to sense Your Spirit at work within us more than anything else going on around us, Lord. We want to hear Your Voice and respond to You more than anyone else in our lives. Strengthen us with Your Joy and minister healing to us with Your Everlasting Love!

We really need your help, God.
