God’s Dwelling

There was a place in the times of David called Naioth. It was home to prophets and prophets in training. The literal meaning of Naioth is God’s dwelling.

David was a man whom God loved, yet David was a man who faced great trials throughout his entire life. He was rejected as a youth, was a victim of attempted murder in his adult years, and even a victim of adultery in his senior years. Yet the bible says that David was a man after God’s own heart, a man who will do whatever God tells him.

What was David’s secret? How can a great king and a man so close to God still have so many life problems?! How did David endure?

David’s secret to success is Naioth – God’s dwelling. In every challenge David faced, he always ran to God. David always ran towards God. He knew that by his own strength he would not last – but in the arms of the Father – he would succeed.

What about us? When we feel pursued and afraid, where do we run to?

I’ll be honest with the church family, this past week has been quite difficult. My body is fatigued and my mind worn out. With life seeming to run at 120%, the solution was not coffee nor effort. The solution was running to God.

As Ryan reminded us on Sunday. It is in our busiest and most stressful times that we need to run towards the King. May we be a family who is in constant pursuit of the Father.

Father God, as life ramps back up, as school is dismissed, as workplaces reopen, as responsibilities increase… may we never forget about you. Help us to learn from the greatest King of Israel. A man who knew where his strength came from – your presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen.