Good Friday

Rather than writing out my own thoughts about Good Friday or trying to come up with a genius new way to talk about how Jesus needed to lose his life in order for us to gain True Life… I want to encourage all of you to check out the Scripture passages in the Gospels that outline for us what took place.

Take your time as you read through them and pay attention to the parts that stand out to you. Spend a little extra time reflecting on some of those lines; ask the Holy Spirit to bring them to life to you in a new way. Consider what God is speaking to you this year at Easter.

Remember that this is not a fable or a fairy tale… this is an event that took place in history… this is even, arguably, the Centre of all history.

Matthew 26 – 27
Mark 14 – 15
Luke 22 – 23
John 13 – 19

Father, I ask that you might bring these accounts of Jesus’ Last Supper, his trial, his crucifixion to life in new ways for us.

Holy Spirit, would you please draw our attention to exactly the parts we need to focus on? Show us what you are speaking to us today, God.

And finally, Jesus, we thank you so much for enduring the cross. We thank you that you did not call down thousands of angels from your Father and that you chose, instead, to submit to the will of your Father.

Thank you for the powerful example you set for us in laying your power aside and choosing to die so that we might live.

We love you very much and we are grateful; we thank you and we remember.


Seek Awe
The Call