Grace that Enables

Grace that Enables

2 Corinthians 12:9, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'”

Earlier this month, I had a chance to share at Life-Spring about what God has been teaching me over the past few weeks. Much of what I’ve been learning is around a new opportunity that I’ve taken up this fall. I had a chance to teach a course at Tyndale Seminary this fall semester for the first time. When I got the email offering me the job, as excited as I was, I was also nervous. Was I really prepared for this? Would I be able to do a good job?

We’re now in week 11 of a 12 week semester, nearing the end of this short journey. There’s so much I’ve learned! From preparing lectures, to working with students, to giving presentations, and facilitating discussions, this is all new work I’ve never had a chance to do before. But for all these new experiences, one of the greatest things I’ve learned about is God’s grace.

I enjoyed Auntie Pat’s message last week, and the quote she shared from Dallas Willard really stuck out to me. It said, “Grace is not opposed to effort.” We normally think of God’s grace as something related to our shortcomings and weaknesses. When we fall, God’s grace is there. But what I saw this semester is God’s grace not only helping me in my weaknesses, but also enabling me to make every effort.

While I enjoyed teaching this semester, it was demanding work. Tasks needed to be done every week to prepare for class, and deadlines came up quickly. A lot of the semester felt like a juggling act between the different hats that I wear. But through it all, I can honestly say that my anxiety and worry has been pretty low. There were weeks that were quite intense, with many tasks being due at once. But even in those moments, I never became overly stressed or worried. There was a faith that was building in me week to week, that no matter how busy things became, I’d be able to get everything done. And things did get done! No week passed by where I was unable to meet a deadline. Why?

Because God’s grace was sufficient. God’s grace enabled me to make every effort. God led me to the resources I needed to do the job well. God gave me the time I needed–even extra time, sometimes–to complete the tasks I needed to do. I learned to trust that when I made an effort, God would provide the resources that I needed to be able to do things well.

And I’ll admit, there were times when I probably should have been working, but I wasn’t. But there was grace for that as well! God was in the times I was working hard to meet a weekly deadline. God was also in my moments of weakness, when I should have been working but wasn’t. God was in it all. And knowing that God’s grace was present gave me a peace and security I couldn’t create myself. Experiencing God’s grace, over and over again, built up my faith and trust that regardless of the circumstances God’s grace would be sufficient.

Are there ways you’ve noticed God’s grace present and sufficient in your own life? If so, thank God! God gives us grace that enables us to make an effort, as well as grace that is sufficient in our moments of weakness. May God be all in all.