Grow in the Fear of the Lord

Grow in the Fear of the Lord

As Lifespring journeys in maturity, we will begin to learn and experience aspects of God that are sometimes new or uncomfortable. The fear of the Lord is one of those things. As a church family we have been entrenched and inundated with the Father’s Heart – thank God for that! But I believe as we continue to mature, we need to know, understand, and apply a Godly fear of the Lord in this house.

What is the Fear of the Lord?

FirstIt may be used to refer to those who are “God-fearers”
Fear often carries a negative connotation. Yet the Bible calls devout and faithful men and women “God-fearers”. They were called that as a compliment! As a family, have we ever been called “God-fearers” before?

Second: the fear of the Lord may be used to describe awe and reverence for God
We often take things for granted. What is spectacular at first becomes mundane over time. May we never make God mundane. May we be in a constant awe (fear) and reverence for God.

Third: the fear of the Lord may be used in the sense that we fear God’s displeasure and discipline
Discipline is an act of love. Therefore, when we are out of line we need to receive discipline. When we sin, we separate ourselves from the presence of God. We become a fish out of water, a seed out of soil. We must learn to fear that being outside His presence is an extremely painful discipline.

Fourth: the fear of God is a healthy fear that unbelievers require to escape final judgment
We need to fear hell. Hell is real and hell is for eternity. We will all stand at the judgment seat of God answering for our actions and our hearts. Take this life seriously

Fifththe fear of God is what believers require to keep from falling away
Salvation is a gift from God – we can’t earn it, we can’t buy it – it is simply a gift. Children disregard gifts. The mature recognize that the gift is an act of love. Let us not be spoiled brats who take the gift of salvation for granted.

How does the Fear of the Lord Help?

First: The fear of the Lord keeps us from drifting into sin
The fear of the Lord helps us to focus on eternity instead of temporary. 

Second: the fear of the Lord helps us to obey
The fear of the Lord compels us to make decisions based on faith (hearing, believing, acting). We need to learn fearing being without God rather than the consequences of obeying God

Thirdthe fear of the Lord keeps us from the fear of people
There will come a day where we will have to choose whether or not we fear people, government, criticism, backlash, etc. more than we fear the Lord. Would we be willing to sacrifice our charitable status as a church family? 

Fourththe fear of the Lord gives us the foundation for building a successful life
Making decisions with the fear of the Lord means we make the right decision even when no one is looking. God is not interested just in our public life, he is very interested in our private lives as well.

Fifththe fear of the Lord is a requirement to experience God’s ongoing love
Maturity requires growing in the fear of the Lord. There is no avoiding it

Father, help us grow in the fear of the Lord. It may be new, difficult to understand, and even offensive to hear. But God, as you have called us to maturity in this Kingdom Family I pray that we would embrace the challenge. I pray that we would Make Every Effort to pursue and seek  you – even if it means finding things we don’t want to find. In Jesus’ name, Amen.