Grow in the Fear of the Lord – Part 2

Grow in the Fear of the Lord – Part 2

Yesterday we continued the series on Growing in the Fear of the Lord. We looked at WHO is expected to fear the Lord.

Nations are Expected to Fear the Lord
God loves nations so much that He is willing to correct them when they are on the wrong path. He does so, not heavy handed, but progressively and with patience. He will send prophets to warn of dangers ahead and He will even send natural and economic disasters to get our attention. God really wants to get our attention – especially when we are walking towards disaster.

I think of my child walking from my driveway towards the street. They are playing and unaware that the street has cars that could cause catastrophic damage. I would do anything and everything to get their attention as I chase after them. I will yell, scream, throw things all in an attempt to get my child’s attention to get them to turn from the path of destruction.

God desperately wants to get our attention to save us from the path of destruction. The amazing news is that all throughout the Bible, if we repent, pray and turn from our evil ways – God often relents and saves us again and again.

Does Canada fear the Lord? Pray for your municipality, your region, your province, your nation.

Churches are Expected to Fear the Lord
All throughout Revelations, God goes throughout the churches in Asia judging and correcting them. He does so because He rebukes and disciplines those He loves.

As a church family , what would Jesus say if he was part of our Lifegroups, our Sunday Celebration, our Worship Time? Pray for the Lifespring Family. Pray for the churches around the world.

We are to Personally Grow in the Fear of the Lord
We are to take responsibility in our own growth in the fear of the Lord. It is not something that comes naturally, it is something we need to learn, understand, and apply (wisdom). As we pursue God – memorizing Scripture, faithfully being part of the Lifegroups, gathering together on Sunday Celebrations – all of this will water the seeds in our hearts for the fear of the Lord. But unless we intentionally pursue the Fear of the Lord, it will constantly drop on the list of things to “learn”, simply because it is difficult.

Pray that you would have a deep desire to grow in the fear of the Lord.
