H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! !

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! !

I’m not quite sure how we already got back to the first day of a new year… or how it took SO LONG all at the same time!

With 2020 finally in the rearview mirror, there seems to be a certain amount of closure taking place – a certain type of relief. We’ve made it through one of, if not THE most difficult year, many of us have known in our lifetime.

As challenging as it has been, I really want to encourage each of us not to bury it too quickly. Because if there’s anything we’ve learned throughout this past year, it’s that joy and sorrow, overwhelming sadness and peace, looming uncertainties and steadfastness can somehow exist simultaneously. That breathtaking beauty can still be found in a pandemic.

The Spirit of God has never left us, nor will God ever forsake us! In the lockdowns and social distancing, loneliness and attempts to flatten the curve, God has been with us.

The story of Jacob wrestling with God keeps replaying through my mind and I can’t help but wonder what we might discover if we were to hold on, for just a little while longer, seeking to learn everything we possibly can from 2020.

In the dark of night, Jacob was completely on his own. The man he wrestled with said to Jacob, “Let me go, for the day has broken.” Even though the new day was beginning to break through the darkness, Jacob held on. “I will not let you go until you bless me.”

I don’t know about you, but when I consider 2020 the imagery of wrestling with God alone and in the dark resonates big time. And in the same way that God did not chastise or show anger to Jacob in his persistence, I can truly say I feel closer to the Lord after these many wrestling matches.

The man asked him, “What is your name?”
“Jacob,” he answered.
Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.” (Genesis 32:27-28)

Before we skip into 2021, let’s do our best to pause and ask the Lord what he wants us to take with us! Knowing that our God is one who redeems all things, I refuse to believe that this year has been a waste. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t wish a repeat of 2020 on anyone!! I simply cannot get on board with casting the whole year off.

Allow yourself to wrestle with God about what you have lived through over the past 12 months!
Hold on and press in… do not give up and throw in the towel on what God can show you about his work in your heart throughout 2020.

Lord God,
We come before you today on the first day of a new year…
many of us are tired and weary; worn down from the year we just lived through.
We are so thankful and grateful that you have brought us through!
Thank you for revealing your faithfulness to us, time and time again.
Holy Spirit, would you strengthen us today as we fight the urge to leave 2020 in the dust?
Would you please reveal to us even one thing you have been showing us or working in us throughout this past year?
We know your heart is to redeem, Lord, and we ask for you to show us
what that looks like for us today!
We love you very much and give you praise for another new year!
Thank you for being our strength and our sustainer!
In your name we pray all these things, Jesus,