Happy Canada Day!!!

Happy Canada Day!!!

Dear LifeSpring Family,

Happy Canada Day!!!

What a blessing to be born and/or live in this great country, Canada. As most of us are aware, Canada’s founding principles were based on the recognition of God over our land. In fact, Psalms 72:8 is inscribed on the Peace Tower of our Parliament Building in Ottawa.

With the current high inflation rate, the war in Ukraine, and the turmoil of the recent statement from the U.S Supreme Court regarding Roe v Wade, we in Canada are still relatively blessed.

This brings me to the verse that I have been meditating on for the past several days. The verse in Luke 12:33-34 has been challenging my attitudes towards “my possessions”. (I do sometimes say that “God owns everything I possess”.)

33 Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

I submit my observations for your consideration.

  1. So happy that the verse did not say “sell all your possessions”. Some of us do sell or donate some of the stocks in our financial portfolio to give to the needy. Most of us “sell” some of our savings on a regular basis to give to the needy.
  2. I wonder if the benefit of doing this is to provide myself with moneybags/saving vehicles/emergency fund that does not grow old and/or leaky.
  3. And to help me focus on eternity/treasures in heaven and not only the dot of the here and now.
  4. And in eternity there are no thieves or moths to destroy.
  5. How I steward God’s possessions in my care, reveals my heart towards God.

Do some listening prayer on this verse and let me know what Holy Spirit says to you.

Happy Canada Day!!!
p.s. If you are around my neighborhood at 5 pm, drop by for our street BBQ and meet my neighbors.