Having Compassion

“Jesus traveled among all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, announcing the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness. Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion for them because they were troubled and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The size of the harvest is bigger than you can imagine, but there are few workers. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers for his harvest.”

Matthew 9:35-38

When the pastoral team meets for our weekly meetings, we usually begin our time with some sort of study. This week, one of the themes we discussed was compassion.

The Bible talks a whole lot about many different topics. But there is one topic that is almost impossible to miss because of how much it comes up in the Bible–the topic of having compassion for those who are suffering. No matter where we’re reading in the Bible, we’re never far from God’s heart for those who are suffering. God is always by the side of those who are sick, suffering injustice, excluded, impoverished, marginalized, orphaned, or oppressed.

This season at Life-Spring, one of the words that God has been putting on our hearts is that we are “blessed to be a blessing.” In thinking about how we’re blessed to be a blessing, let’s never forget that God’s heart is for the suffering and broken. God doesn’t bless us so we can just enjoy the fruit of God’s favor. Though there are many ways we’re blessed at Life-Spring, God never intends for us to keep those blessings to ourselves. Like our name says, we’re to be a spring of life for others, especially those who are hurting. God wants to bless others by using us. The gifts and goodness we’ve received are not just for us and our loved ones. We need to hold what God has given us with open hands, ready to release it when God wants us to be a blessing to others who may be struggling.

While God’s heart is always for those who are hurting and suffering, sometimes that may even be us. In moments when we’re struggling, God’s heart is for us too. During times that are dark, know that God is never far away. He is always nearby when we’re at our worst. He always hears our cries and has compassion for us, no matter how far away we may feel.

For some of us in this season, God may be teaching us to have compassion for others and to learn to be a blessing to those around us. Some of us may be learning about God’s compassion and grace for us, and how God walks with us through every situation in our lives. Whatever the case, may we always remember God’s compassion for the suffering. And as we mature, may we grow in our compassion and sensitivity to the ways that God may want to use us to be a blessing to others.