Hello Neighbor!

What a blessing it was to hear from Power 2 Change – GAiN. Director of the Water for Life initiative, Steve, and manager of water sites in the Tanzania region, Geoffrey, came and spoke to the church family to encourage us and thank us for the partnership we have had over the years.

As they shared the impact of what water can do – they challenged us to think of eternity. They painted us a picture of us, one day, standing before the judgment seat – we would not stand with our material possessions, our riches, our land – we will stand amongst those who will testify of our deeds (Romans 2:6-11). Whomever was in need – if we helped them in their need would be a testimony before the Lord. By sowing 7 water wells this year and sowing 3 wells over the past 10 years – do not be surprised when a stranger testifies of your good deeds before the judgment seat of God.

People we don’t know, people we have never met, people that we won’t recognize – but people who the Lord commands us to love – “Love your NEIGHBOUR…”. We may not know them, but we can joyfully say, “HELLO NEIGHBOUR”!

We felt God challenge us to love strangers this year – For His Name’s Sake – so we decided to sow 7 wells for a total of $75,250. We put it in our budget and decided to go by faith and simply budget it as a deficit. To this date, we have raised over $60,000 (more than 80%) of our goal.

Thank you Lifespring for being blessed to be a blessing. Let us finish the year strong and raise more than enough!

You may not realize it (as I did not), but we have way more neighbors than we know 🙂