How to Persevere

The last 2 weeks we have talked Why we need to persevere and How to Persevere. The emphasis in both is that maturity requires perseverance. The calling God has for the house of Lifespring requires perseverance. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus and run the race… all the way until the end.

  1. Consider the cloud of witnesses
    Sometimes we take privilege and spit on it. We need to recognize that we have truly been blessed. When much is given, much is expected
  2. Be in community with like-minded people
    The only way to create a culture is to build it into the fabric of our DNA. Where we don’t think about having to Love God and Love Others. But it becomes our default and natural reaction. As a church family we need to continue to move towards this. A culture for a family take all of us moving as one.
  3. Throw off whatever hinders
    Success in the wrong area is failure. Life has many options and although everything is permissible, not everything is beneficial. Each of us must judge what is part of the call in our lives and what is a distraction. Fasting in the month of January will quickly show something that is eating much of our life and time.
  4. Throw off sin that entangles
    If good things (although distractions) can slow us down, how much more so will sin stop us in our tracks. You will never see a fish out of water win a race, you will never see a seed out of soil win a race of growth. The reality is, the only way to race to win and to finish well is to be in His presence. And that requires throwing off sin that entangles us.
  5. Fix your eyes on Jesus for empowerment
    Jesus Himself encountered temptation and suffering. He fought it to the point of sweating blood. Do we fight temptation to the same degree? Do we resist temptation or do we simply cower from it. I believe as the mature we need to learn to resist the enemy and he will soon flee.
  6. Receive hope from the Holy Spirit
    Hearing God is a gift. Hearing a rhema word from God can calm all storms. When God speaks everything and everyone must listen. Find your hope in God – let Him speak into your life!
  7. Rehearse the promises God has given you
    We started journaling over 2 years ago. We didn’t do it because it was a nice thing to do, we did it because your journal is a story about you and God. When we review our journals we are reminded of how faithful God truly is. Start journaling. If you already journal take time to review your journal every year.
  8. Pray and ask for prayer
    Asking for prayer is not a sign of weakness. Asking for prayer is a sign of family. Some battles are not won alone.

Father, help us to persevere. Though the journey will have many ups and downs we trust in the God that will carry us through. Give us wisdom to navigate the dark times and grace to survive the fearful times. But I pray that we will always remember, that You will always be there with us – never leaving us nor forsaking us.

In Jesus’ Name.

The Best