Dear LifeSpring Family,
While I know it is not the Christmas season, I was reminded of Matthew 1:23 last week while I was in Orlando.
“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).
Last week I was at CRU International Head Office in Orlando for our semi-annual World Wide Day of Prayer. Our President encouraged us to never forget that our Lord Jesus Christ is with us. For sometimes, in our passion, eagerness and love for the King, we get so busy doing the King’s work and have no energy and time left for the King Himself.
My daily practice as I go through the day is this.
I intentionally slow down, take a deep breath and audibly call out the name of Jesus, three times to remind me of His ever presence with me. Nothing magical about it. It is just how I centre myself during the day.
How about you? How do you practice the presence of God as you go on with your daily activities?
I need to know and hold fast to our Lord Jesus Christ as I go through my day.
Grace upon grace,